Dust: the government will be asked to end the quarantine


“The commission has decided to propose to the government to change that legal status from quarantine to emergency, but at the same time it will try to comply with several limitations that may be important in preparing for the possible effects of the Delta mutation,” said the minister. he told reporters on Wednesday after the commission meeting.

He said the government will consider the quarantine issue next Monday.

“The government will discuss it at the next meeting on Monday. This is the end of the month. In any case, we must extend the quarantine status or terminate it, and it is planned to discuss this issue at the government level in the near future,” said A. Dulkys.

“But this is not a message of relaxation, it is simply an achieved result, and if the measures imposed by the emergency legislation are sufficient, it may be enough, but the final decision will be made by the government in the near future,” he added. added.

According to him, once the quarantine is over, “smart” measures will remain in force, such as wearing masks inside and restricting the flow of people.

“Until we get to even a significant proportion of vaccinated people, until we put this virus completely on our shoulders, it means that there should be some restrictions: for example, wearing masks at the points of sale, perhaps adhering to human flow restrictions. and all the other sensible solutions that are necessary together with tests and vaccination, ”said the Minister of Health.

The quarantine is currently valid until June 30.
