Dust: the coronavirus plan will cover the entire year 2021


“We have a working week, we have already finished forming all the structures we need. We hope that in the next 24 hours we can form a council of external experts under the command of the Prime Minister. In another 24 hours, we hope to be able to consider a final plan management of the coronavirus. Because so far we have only seen the first steps that are operational. And the coronavirus plan will cover all of 2021, “said the minister.

A. Dulkys promised that the plan will be detailed and after discussion with experts it will be made public.

Arūnas Dulkys

Arūnas Dulkys

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

The health system may not resist

If people do not comply with the quarantine requirements, the health system may not be able to bear the burden after two weeks, says Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys.

“I really want to say honestly: if we do not all follow the rules, look for exceptions and continue to build those situations, the system will not be able to withstand it in two weeks,” the minister said at a press conference on Wednesday.

He said that there was still a certain reserve and the possibility of reallocating capacity in health facilities, but stressed that hospital occupancy and the number of cases would increase for at least a few more weeks due to inertia, and the improvement could only be seen towards the New Year .

“We will definitely see big numbers in the next few days because they are running out of inertia, they can be big for two or three weeks, but if we all try to follow honestly from today, we will encourage others, we will show positive examples, we will spread an example positive and not the virus, I believe that the situation will change and from the new year we will begin to see positive changes in our indicators, ”said the minister.

Dust has been appointed Head of Operations: otherwise we would lose efficiency and time

The minister was approved by the government on Wednesday as head of emergency operations.

When asked why Health Minister A. Dulkys was appointed as head of the operation, the Prime Minister said that this would ensure the highest level of coordination of the management of the pandemic.

“There was a lot of discussion, it was emphasized in my own meeting. There was criticism of the practice in the previous government, when there were two centers of power, where one person communicated one thing and another, another, ”I. Šimonytė said on Wednesday after the government meeting.

According to her, a council of experts will also be established in the government.

“Our consensus is different: in terms of direction, strategy and coordination it will be carried out at the highest level.” A council of experts will be established in the government, but the director of operations has many procedural decisions, whose signature will lead us to a higher place, although to the government office, we will simply lose efficiency and time to decide, “he explained.

I. Šimonytė emphasized that from now on the communication of the Government will be different compared to the dissemination of information from the previous Government.

We will try to involve all institutions so that they coordinate with them, take responsibility for the decisions that are made and that there is no situation in which the director of operations makes decisions that change business conditions without the knowledge of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation. There will be no such things, we will all work together ”, emphasized the Prime Minister.

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