Dust spoke about the Quarantine C scenario: what it means for homes and businesses


The incidence has doubled

Health Minister A. Dulkys recalled that on December 11 the incidence in the country was 1109,100 thousand. population in the last 14 days.

On January 30, the incidence in the country fell to 467 cases per 100,000. population in 14 days.

“Through human efforts, we have entered stage C. This means that there are opportunities, although not the widest ones, to review our future actions, to bring new colors to our lives,” Dulkys wrote on Facebook.

Dust spoke about the Quarantine C scenario: what it means for homes and businesses

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The government’s Emergency Commission (WESC) will also discuss the quarantine release plan in phases on Monday. A government meeting can also be held on Monday to approve quarantine changes.

Scenario C

Representatives of the working group formed by Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė – Representatives of the Independent Expert Advisory Council presented 4 quarantine scenarios some time ago.

Scenario C in the expert report was defined as follows: if the number of cases exceeds 100 cases, 100 thousand. population in 14 days, intensified testing and contact tracing measures, national restrictions in place; Stronger quarantine measures would be applied to the most proliferative activities.

4 quarantine scenarios.

4 quarantine scenarios.


In this stage Contacts between more than two households would be prohibited..

Regarding the operation of health and social care institutions, the planned health care services will be maintained. Emergency care and supervision of COVID-19 patients is prioritized. Restricted access to social care institutions. Staff and patients would be evaluated periodically.

Higher education would take place remotely, exceptions apply to health, veterinary and life sciences, staff are regularly tested.

Basic, secondary and primary education would be carried out in the classrooms through regular tests by teachers and students.

At the local level, more stringent restrictions may apply, depending on the epidemiological situation. Employees are tested regularly.

Preschool and preschool education would be taught at the national level. At the local level, stricter restrictions would apply depending on the epidemiological situation.
Employees are tested regularly.

Catering activities are restricted, only food is taken, employees are tested regularly.
The flow of buyers at the points of sale would be limited. and special service requirements apply to reduce the risk of infection. Employees are tested regularly.

The provision of services would be carried out remotely or without contact. Except health, psychologists, psychotherapists (if necessary), veterinary, police and other services whose staff is periodically examined.

4 quarantine scenarios.

4 quarantine scenarios.


Restrictions apply between and / or within municipalities depending on the epidemiological situation.. Depending on the epidemiological situation, restrictions may apply when traveling to foreign countries or when arriving in Lithuania: border control, traveler tests.

Meetings of people are prohibited. The number of participants in funerals and weddings must not exceed 10 people. There would be no museums, theaters, exhibitions, cinemas, or sports competitions, except professional sports training and competitions without spectators.

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