Dust: signs of recovery in business can expect a fight


According to the minister, the antigen tests will mainly evaluate people who experience symptoms and will preventively screen educators, psychologists, doctors, prison staff, residents and staff of care institutions, people who work in coronavirus hotspots and companies.

“It is very unfortunate that although rapid antigens have been talked about in the EU since at least the summer of last year, the legacy is unfortunately ‘just for you’. No test scheme, algorithm, rapid tests, was ordered, no evidence came in, “said A. Dulkys at the faction meeting.

According to him, the national laboratory should receive its purchased rapid antigen tests in mid-February. According to the centralized contracting of the European Commission, the country has around 100,000. unit tests will arrive in late January to early February. According to A. Dulkis, another coordinated purchase is underway, but it is not yet clear when testing can be expected in Lithuania.

“Lithuania cannot live forever with strict quarantine measures. (…) We will combine (quarantine – aut.p.) release measures with testing algorithms, we have schemes. Unfortunately, we don’t have the tests ourselves, but we already see some of light at the end of the tunnel, and in this way we will have both a faster diagnosis and a faster isolation, ”said the Minister of Health.

Speaking about the possible release of quarantine measures, the minister emphasized that this can only be done with additional pandemic management tools.

“You cannot loosen tools with a single hand without an additional tool. We are making efforts, we will come out with the relevant legislation in the near future. We are doing acquisitions, that is, exhaustive tests (scheme – aut. P.) “, noted A. Dulkys.

According to the minister, there will be different rules for different types of activities, according to which the activities could be renewed.

“There would be an idea everywhere that if you want to act, work, study, there are proper rules, how do we have to do it: perform proper serological tests, perform antibody tests. Those models are different for each organization, we are preparing for them, we want to make sure that we have all the tools, ”said the Minister of Health.

The vaccination schedule and test schedules will be made public.

For his part, the president of the Social Democratic Party, Gintautas Paluckas, asked the minister for details: how the tests will be organized and carried out for the companies, who will finance them precisely.

“All of them will be accompanied by specific legal acts, each process will be described and made public”, assured A. Dulkys.

According to him, there are already schemes for testing with rapid antigen tests.

“The schemes are there, but they need antigen testing. Lithuania did not acquire them last year, “said the Health Minister.

A. Dulkys also noted that all the algorithms planned for the tests, as well as the vaccination schedule, will be made public.

“The test algorithms will be made public and visible. In addition, we take care of the measurements themselves,” the minister emphasized.

However, A. Dulkys pointed out that the planned vaccination schedule will constantly change, as the information received from vaccine manufacturers is extremely dynamic.

“We will publish a full annual calendar based on the deliveries that we know about. Of course, it will be constantly changing, because manufacturers are constantly changing the message of when they will ship something, ”said the Minister of Health.

He acknowledged that the ever-changing information from vaccine manufacturers and the coordination of the process is not rewarding.

“The way the EC is coordinating the process – the supply of vaccines, their quantities, the culture of information and the knowledge that we receive – is very inconvenient by any schedule. Let’s say that what we had planned last week is that on the eve you receive a message that changes the calendar for three or four weeks. You get twice as many vaccines, which means the entire system and logistics are breaking down, ”said A. Dulkys.

However, the minister pointed out that the vaccination schedule, although variable, will be made public.

Signs of business, organizational and business recovery can expect a struggle

When asked when a lighter quarantine could be expected, the minister noted that this required a steady decline in the number of positive responses to coronary tests.

“If it decreases steadily, we may have a better situation towards the summer, but on the condition that those other strains of the virus do not bring new surprises,” said A. Dulkys.

According to the minister, the tests with the rapid antibody tests mentioned above will help to manage the situation.

“The testing program will begin in February and its active operation in March should give signs of recovery to companies, organizations and educational institutions,” the minister added.

Doctors plan to have a second dose of the vaccine in early February.

A. Dulkys also noted that in January all medical personnel vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine will also be vaccinated with the second vaccine.

“We are determined that the entire health system … will be covered with the second vaccine in January,” said A. Dulkys.

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