Dust on vaccine delivery schedules: in the summer, we will still not be able to vaccinate the country’s population en masse


“It just came to our notice then. I would like to offer you more ambitious by the end of the summer. But only people deserve to know the truth and I have to tell the truth: the supply schedules that I see now with the team, we cannot reach the target. to vaccinate in the summer (the majority of the country’s population – ELTA) or even start these massive vaccinations, “the minister told Radio Knowledge on Thursday.

“The EU institutions, diplomats, responsible authorities, country leaders, they are all really plowing now, working, arguing, angry and hopefully we will achieve that result and then there will be vaccines,” he added.

However, A. Dulkys emphasized that the country’s institutions are already ready for mass vaccination of the population.

“The institutions are ready. We have worked a lot with the municipalities, we have more than 70 vaccination centers, they are all ready and willing to test (capacity – ELTA) in practice and do it. Now the most important question is to get those vaccines soon ”, He assured.

ELTA recalls that the goal of vaccinating 70 percent of the population by mid-summer was set by the European Commission and the Lithuanian presidency.

Responded to Ž. The question posed by Pinskuvienė: the terms chosen create an illusion

The Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkys reacted to the question posed by the mayors of some municipalities about the discrepancies detected in the morbidity statistics. According to the minister, the fact that it has been revealed that a significant part of the population that is currently considered formally ill has already recovered does not affect decisions on quarantine measures.

A. Dulkys recalls that the basis for government decisions is determined by the number of cases of infections per 100 thousand. population. According to the minister, perhaps the very use of the term “morbidity” to name a series of new cases raises some doubts in society.

“There is such a problem: both the neurolinguistic and Lithuanian translation we have the word morbidity when translated from English,” he told Knowledge Radio, noting that the current statistics on the quarantine regime are accurate.

“The number of cases translates into morbidity and we have used this term more than once. It creates the illusion that this is a morbidity and should be compared with the number of sick people. We agree to emphasize that a change in the arrangements of this treatment regimen quarantine plan is a change in the number of cases. He is very precise with us and comes from primary sources, “added A. Dulkys.

According to him, another important statistical element for the introduction or release of the quarantine regime is managed properly: the percentage of positive tests of all the tests carried out.

“The next number we take is the percentage of positive tests from all the tests. We manage this number well. Therefore, due to the (quarantine – ELTA) measures that we are taking, we really have these two high-quality key indicators, ”said A. Dulkys, acknowledging that there are certain problems with other indicators.

“For all other things, yes, there are problems. However, today a new project of the Department of Statistics will start, where we will all have better data,” summed up A. Dulkys.

ELTA recalls that the mayor of the Širvintos district Živilė Pinskuvienė was the first to speak about inaccuracies in the statistics of those who recovered from COVID-19.

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