Dust – new restrictions should be adopted on Sunday: Minister after alarming findings of experts


According to Health Minister A. Dulkis, measures related to mobility, mobility, ensuring the functionality of medical institutions, streamlining the processes of the National Center for Public Health and streamlining nursing and other risk institutions would be applied.

“I believe that tomorrow we will be able to say that now there is intense work, analysis, discussion, because contradictory statements cannot be made to the public, there is no doubt.

It is necessary to carry out some formality. We swore yesterday, three hours passed, we sat down with the experts. Today, a structure is being established, groups and committees are being created to take charge of those things. And I think they will be adopted tomorrow, ”said Health Minister A. Dulkys after meeting with the prime minister.

A. Dulkys affirmed that Friday’s meeting with experts was long and complete, the meetings continue before the Government meeting scheduled for Sunday. According to the minister, the exact measurements will be named on Sunday. The Minister mentioned that he is also consulting with education experts about the future work of kindergartens.

According to the minister, it is planned to introduce restrictions for a period of more than two weeks: “It is not said that we will establish restrictions for one week, two weeks. There is already talk here that it will probably take longer. “

The speeches of the experts to the minister caused concern

According to the minister, the measures pursue several key objectives so that traceability and isolation do not exceed 48 hours, so that there are no more than 5% positive tests. of all tests performed. Every effort will be made to ensure that 100 people do not infect another 100 people.

“The numbers that we have in Lithuania do not speak in our favor. Yesterday I was alarmed by the statements of the experts that for the figures that are currently in Lithuania, they do not even find research and studies that advise us on how to proceed.

That means the situation is so important, ”emphasized A. Dulkys.

According to the minister, if all this is achieved and these measures come into effect, then it can be said that the situation is being managed.

I. Šimonytė presents the Government program at the Seimas

Urged not to fool yourself: Christmas and New Years cannot relax.

According to the minister, if the objectives set are not achieved, it will be necessary to recognize that the health system is heading “towards total collapse.”

He urged everyone to think and not even dream of relaxing during the big vacation of the year.

“It just came to our attention then. We all have a goal together to achieve. How quickly we can achieve it will depend on all of us. To dream that we can have a break for Christmas or New Years, is not deceiving ourselves.

Figures that the snowball rolls away from the mountain. Now we see the consequences of what was a week or a month ago, ”said A. Dulkys.

According to the Minister, all residents must concentrate, because it is not only their objective or that of some institution, according to him, that objective must unite everyone.

“It is an opportunity for everyone to think about what we want out of this life. Together we are now on that front line. We will try to do everything and we will do everything possible to achieve those goals, but we also need help, “added A. Dulkys.

He stressed that the tensions in society, the stress, the fatigue of the medical community, as well as the elections, the prolonged transfer of power to the new Government and the festive period itself are the “worst cocktail” to handle the COVID-19 situation. .

On Saturday, Prime Minister I. Šimonytė will meet with nine ministers to discuss next year’s draft budget and Covid-19 governance issues.

On Saturday, I. Šimonytė speaks with Minister of Social Security and Labor Monika Navickienė, Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrina Armonaitė, Minister of Education, Science and Sports Jurgita Šiugždinienė, Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkis, Minister of the Interior Agne Bilotaitė, the Minister of Transport Marius Skuodis, the Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas, the Minister of Energy Dainius Kreivis, the Minister of Agriculture Kęstutis Navickas and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabriel Landsbergis. On Sunday, the head of government plans to meet with the remaining ministers.

Šimonytė – on the new restrictions: “I cannot guarantee that there will be no changes during the weekend”

The Government of Ingrida Šimonytė, approved by the Seimas, immediately began its work on Friday. He consulted healthcare professionals and experts remotely about handling the Covid-19 situation. He does not rule out that stricter quarantine restrictions will be adopted during the weekend.

When asked by the Seimas if Lithuania could accept more restrictions on Monday, I. Šimonytė said that “now he cannot say anything specific”, but he does not rule out the new government adopting new stricter restrictions over the weekend.

“As we head to my new jobs, I intend to reach out to the experts I quickly persuaded to join the discussion today on what additional measures are needed so that we can get that situation back under control, at least for a visible time. .

I can’t really guarantee that there will be no changes over the weekend; we will meet with experts to discuss the situation. You are well aware that the experts have proposed stricter restrictions, but they are today. It has been 5 days since that day, and even longer since the experts prepared their proposals.

What suggestions and solutions are needed now? We need to know from the knowledge of these statistics, the predictions that we make from today’s statistics, not from data from a week ago. Unfortunately, the situation is quite dynamic and it is very unfortunate that it is dynamic in a bad way, ”said I. Šimonytė.

The Seimas approves the Government program

Steps will be taken to reduce the number of cases and assist treatment facilities

When asked what the strictest restrictions could be, what new measures, Prime Minister I. Šimonytė did not specifically reply. But he stressed that the most important thing is to reduce the number of new cases and help medical institutions, because the situation is difficult.

“Now the most concrete measure is the restrictions that would reduce the number of new cases and, of course, the support that medical institutions need to face that burden.

What we are seeing now is that we will see it in medical institutions with some delay. The solutions that are needed to stabilize the situation itself would be a precondition that will allow us to get out of a better situation.

Along the way, there is also the ability of the NVSC, in general, the ability to start tracking normally again at some point and, of course, vaccination plans, for the implementation of which the Government will also have to make sufficient efforts, ”said I. Šimonytė.

The Seimas approved the program of the eighteenth government on Friday. 78 members of the Seimas voted in favor, there were 30 against, 20 abstentions. Not only the ruling but also five representatives of the Joint Group of Seimas members voted for the program: Zigmantas Balčytis, Algirdas Butkevičius, Domas Griškevičius, Valdemaras Valkiūnas, Jonas Pinskus.

With the approval of the program and the swearing in of the ministers, the new government gained the power to act.

The Seimas approves the Government program

Šimonytė: the most important thing is how many lives we can save

I. Šimonytė, who joined the Seimas rostrum, stated that Lithuania does not need revolutions at the moment and, more importantly, how many lives can be saved in the country as the coronavirus epidemic spreads.

“Lithuania doesn’t really need revolutions. The most important thing today is not reform; the most important thing today is how many lives we will be able to save. Not the new government, but the lives saved and as many lives saved as possible – this would be the good thing. most important news for the Lithuanian people at Christmas.

On behalf of my team, I can also pledge to do our best so that no one can say that it was four years of losing his life in Lithuania, ”said Prime Minister-designate I. Šimonytė.

Dust: three main goals

We remind you that without slowing down new COVID-19 cases and constantly recording your records, Health Minister-designate Arūnas Dulkys claims that the bans had not yet been adopted yesterday. However, when he presented his COVID-19 management strategy in more detail, he did not reveal what those bans might be.

A. Dulkys stated that in 4 hours, after the approval of the Government, he would begin the implementation of his COVID-19 management plan.

“And the first thing I appeal to and would like to invite everyone to do is start with the announcement of the key governance goals of Covid-19. We know how tense society is, how everyone wants specificity, clarity, and most importantly, answers to ‘why’.

Therefore, following the recommendations of the experts from the World Health Organization and the advice of our Lithuanian experts, whom we have consulted very intensively these days, we want to invite everyone to a concerted effort and a goal, consisting of three components, ”he said.

The first, according to A. Dulkis, will be done to identify and track the cases in which these people are isolated within 48 hours.

“Currently, the situation is such that it is done for 3, 4 or more days in the best of cases. We will do our best to ensure that the number of positive tests does not exceed 5% without reducing the volume of tests from the total number of tests. Now we have a threatening situation where it exceeds 20 percent. Consequently, we will do everything possible so that the number of cases per day does not exceed 200. Today the situation is such that we have record days in which this number exceeds 3,000 ”, said the new minister.

The third point is that everything possible will be done to ensure that 100 people do not infect another 100 people.

“This means that the reproduction rate of the active virus R would not exceed 1. It is currently between 1.2 and 1.3. It is all of these three goals, combined in one message, would be our goal and they should be achieved together,” said A. Dulkys.

According to him, then we certainly cannot claim that the virus has been controlled, but that it is at least returning to a situation that can be controlled.

“It just came to our attention then. So, in accordance with this objective, because people are tense, we will try not to work days, but hours,” he said.

A. Dulkys said more details on specific restrictions will be released later, but when asked when new bans should appear, he replied, “Yesterday.”

4 priorities

Asked about possible restrictions on trade and movement, A. Dulkys has stated so far that he can only say that the measures will be related to at least 5 main areas.

“One is directly related to the quarantine and the movement of people. Another thing is vaccination, which is very important. The third thing is, we see that there is a threatening situation in the medical institutions and the number of beds, the distribution between organizations needs to be addressed. The fourth thing that is very important and what must be done immediately is to address the issue of nursing homes and other risky places.

Of course, the National Center for Public Health and the rapid review of its processes and decisions about the organization of its work also remain, ”he explained.

Follow your doctor’s advice on how to use the mask:
