Dust message before the holidays: we have reached a new record


As the minister wrote in the social account, in Lithuania a vaccination record was achieved.

“If we type 20,000 in Google, our screen will be filled with posts and links about the underwater voyages of Captain Nemo, the hero of Julius Verne’s novel. It is difficult to compete, I understand that I am not going to convince Google, but this week, 20,000 means something else to us: we have reached a one-day vaccination record, over 20,000 vaccine doses a day! Oh, and with the overall pace of the week, we are moving towards another record!

Thank you all – those who invite, vaccinate, agree to be vaccinated! ”- wrote the Minister.

If we Google 20,000, our screen will be filled with posts and links about Captain Nemo, the hero of Julius Verne’s novel …

Posted by Arūnas Dulkys in 2021. Friday, April 2

Chancellor of the Government: Mass vaccination is likely to begin on June 1

The news portal tv3.lt recalls that the Government Chancellor Giedrė Balčytytė states that the mass vaccination of the Lithuanian population against COVID-19 is expected to start in early June. However, he emphasizes that the exact date of mass vaccination will depend on the vaccine supply.

Next week, the government is expected to make decisions on new arrangements for mass vaccination against COVID-19.

Vaccination start dates cannot be guaranteed

As stated on Friday by the Government Chancellor G. Balčytytė, so far, according to what is foreseen in the vaccination plan drawn up by the Health, it is expected that the mass vaccination of the population can begin at the beginning of the summer.

“The government is preparing for a mass vaccination, which will probably start before the first day of June. Naturally, the government considers all relevant organizational issues. Today, the government discussed these issues.

During the mass vaccination will have to agree to 1.5 million. population. That means it would have to transport about 3 million. vaccines. The process is really complex and on a large scale. People will have to know when and what vaccine to get vaccinated, when they will or will not be able to come, ”G. Balčytytė told reporters at a press conference on Friday.

The course will depend on the number of vaccines.

However, as the Chancellor of the Government has pointed out, the course of vaccination will depend on the supply of vaccines.

“We expect mass vaccination to start on June 1. But I cannot say for sure that it will happen on June 1,” added G. Balčytytė.

Also here it says that the plans for the currently available vaccines suggest that mass vaccination could begin with the start of summer.

“The plans for incoming vaccines allow us to begin mass vaccination on June 1. That is why we say so,” said the Chancellor of the Government.

In addition, according to the Chancellor of the Government, residents will be able to register for vaccines not only online but also in other ways that will be discussed by the Government.

“It is desirable that this is a national system. Then the action becomes simpler. However, all technical possibilities must also be evaluated,” said G. Balčytytė.

For mass vaccination to begin already in June, it is also indicated in the vaccination plan prepared by the Ministry of Health.

According to data from the Department of Statistics, currently in Lithuania almost 349.6 thousand were vaccinated for the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine. population, in the second – more than 165,7 thousand. persons.

The Government also intends to discuss with experts in the near future the conditions under which the so-called immunity passport could work in Lithuania. It would allow people immune to COVID-19 to open more activities.
