Dust – in more quarantined release: possibility of entering stage B, probably early March


“The numbers are what they are, which means that we can all influence them together,” says Arūnas Dulkys.

On Monday the proposal of the Government Emergency Commission (EMCU) was approved to allow the resumption of outdoor ski centers. It was also reported that the lifting of other quarantine restrictions should be decided later this week. Non-grocery stores with a separate entrance from the outside should open soon, and hair salons could also open their doors.

The scenarios proposed by the WEU should be considered by the government as of this Wednesday.

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys tells on the TV3 program “Dienas komentaras” why these quarantine relaxation steps were chosen first and when an even greater quarantine release could be expected.

Script C allows you to resume operations

As the Minister says in the program, the fact that Lithuania has already entered scenario C allows to ease the restrictions. As a result, some restrictions can be gradually relaxed.

“There was a general discussion at the meeting on State Emergency Situations (ESC), which led to a broader and more detailed thought on how we could move forward step by step, because blind quarantine alone does not satisfy either the people or the Government We wanted to provide a clearer vision.

The scenarios are based on morbidity rates, a decrease in the proportion of positive tests, and a very gradual release from quarantine. The government will have to decide on that again on Wednesday.

Therefore, the following areas were chosen as the first step: small businesses, beauty services, commerce where separate entrances can be provided, where the number of recipients of the service can be very clearly limited ”, said Minister A. Dulkys in the “Daily Comment” program.

When asked why it is not about opening sports clubs, resuming group training, A. Dulkys also promises them a quick solution, but says that it will all depend on the morbidity statistics.

“It seems that there will also be a movement in these areas. However, we do not tie everything to specific dates, but to morbidity rates, as the experts recommend.

I think we can give the public, perhaps already this Wednesday, after the Government meeting, a clearer picture of how the steps can be felt in all areas. We would all become hosts, we would all reach a goal together by looking at those numbers and then we would see in all areas what can be done ”, says the Minister.

How long would it take to go back to a softer one, before December 15th. quarantine would also depend on morbidity rates.

“These days we are grateful to the people of Lithuania that we managed to get out of that terrible scenario D and already on the fifth day we are in scenario C, when those numbers are much lower, but nevertheless, they are still much higher than they were. in the spring.

As for what we had discussions today with data analysts, experts, the possibility of entering scenario B, in which we would already see at least 500, but, let’s say, a morbidity rate of less than 100,000, depending on what is happening now, we could hope at best early March. However, the numbers are what they are, which means that we can all influence them together, ”says A. Dulkys.

The minister says that the restrictions will be gradually relaxed, without relying on the measures used during the spring quarantine. The situation during the first and second quarantines is different, so the tactics to ease the restrictions will also be different.

“Let’s not forget that the figures that appeared in mid-December and the second half of December, when you look at the charts, there were no spring events in Lithuania, because those figures are so small that they are not even visible on the charts.

Our morbidity rates had already reached more than 1,400 per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days. We had a healthcare system on the brink of collapse. Rapid release experience in other countries has shown that the need to measure it more carefully and to do it more gradually and gradually has not been well appreciated, ”says A. Dulkys.

In Kaunas clinics, doctors started the COVID-19 vaccine

AstraZeneca to decide

Already on Friday, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved the AstraZeneca vaccine against Covid-19. On Thursday, Germany’s Vaccination Commission announced that it would only vaccinate people under the age of 65.

The EEA has previously stated in a public announcement that there are currently insufficient studies on the effects of the vaccine in people over the age of 55, but the vaccine is expected to provide protection based on other data, including the effects of other vaccines.

Deputy Health Minister Živilė Simonaitytė told BNS on Friday that to her knowledge the EU agency recommends not using the vaccine for older people, therefore younger people will be vaccinated with this vaccine in Lithuania.

The deputy minister later clarified the information and stated that vaccination with AstraZeneca will be decided after a detailed analysis of the available information.

Minister A. Dulkys also promises a quick decision on this vaccine.

“There are several practitioners, we are still trying to discuss with colleagues abroad and see how they behave. But yes, in the next few days we will have to make a decision on how to deal with vaccinations over 55 and we may have to do some adjustments to the same vaccination strategy accordingly. We will report it separately, “said A. Dulkys on TV3.


Scenario C

The tv3.lt portal recalls that four possible scenarios were created with a team of independent experts: A, B, C and D.

Scenario D shows a situation of extreme poverty in the country. This means that the incidence in the state exceeds 500 patients for every 100,000 people. Scenario C means 100 to 500 infections per 100,000 population, B 25 to 100 infections per 100,000 population, and scenario A means 0 to 25 infections per 100,000 population.

Currently, the incidence in the country reaches 443.1 infections per hundred thousand inhabitants.

The portal tv3.lt has already written about what the C script means.

2 households can communicate

In this scenario, contacts between two households are allowed, with a maximum of 10 participants in the two-household bubble. People who participate in a two-household social bubble commit to no further close contacts outside the bubble.

If there are people at risk in the bubble, it is also recommended to wear masks, keep a distance of 2 meters, ventilate the room where the meetings are held. To change the composition of the bubble, its members agree not to have any close contact with the members of the bubble or with the outside for at least 10 days.

Health and social work institutions

Scenario C preserves the planned health care services. Priority is given to emergency care and the care of patients with COVID-19.

Restricted access to social care institutions. Treatment and care center staff and patients are regularly tested.

Changes in education

Under Scenario C, students would continue to distance learning, with exceptions for health, veterinary, and life sciences.

We would see changes in primary, secondary and primary education. The teaching process, in scenario C, is carried out in the classroom through regular tests by teachers and students.

Preschool and preschool education is provided at the national level. At the local level, stricter restrictions may apply depending on the epidemiological situation. Employees of all educational institutions are evaluated periodically.

Open doors for shops

Scenario C will not bring much joy to cafe and restaurant owners, because as in scenario D, the activities of the catering establishments are limited, the food is provided to take away only. More freedom is granted in the commercial sector, which is not limited to the food trade.

This means that stores that sell non-essential products can also open their doors. However, they must follow strict guidelines, restricting customer flows and applying special service requirements to reduce the risk of infection.

No changes are expected in the service sector, which continues to provide remote and contactless services, with the exception of health services, psychologists / psychotherapists (where applicable), veterinarians, police and others, whose personnel are regularly reviewed.

Movement restrictions continue, events are prohibited

Scenario C also brings little change to movement control, as it foresees restrictions between or within municipalities, depending on the epidemiological situation. In Scenario C, restrictions may apply when traveling to foreign countries or when arriving in Lithuania: border control, tests to travelers.

Meetings of people, cultural activities, sporting and leisure events are also prohibited. The number of participants in funerals and weddings must not exceed 10 people.

There are no museums, theaters, exhibitions, cinemas, or sports competitions, except professional sports training and competitions without spectators.

Much more freedom is expected when scenario B is reached. Of course, it provides for the opening of cafes, museums and cinemas restricting the flows of customers. This scenario could apply when 25 to 100 cases reach 100,000. population in 14 days.
