Dust gives Čaplinskis no hope: no reason to reverse decision


“The Minister is aware of the findings of the commission that carried out an investigation into communicable diseases and the violation of duties of Saul Čaplinskas, director of the AIDC Center. The Minister does not have any new information relevant to the situation, which may question the reliability of the commission’s findings, nor does it have data on the possible bias of the members of the inquiry commission, ”said Aistė Šuksta, Communications Advisor to the Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkis.

“In view of this, the minister has no legal basis to reverse a decision already taken. He is aware that several trials have been initiated in this history ”, added the Counselor of the Minister of Health.

According to her, the Ministry is aware that two trials have been initiated for the order issued by the former minister to transfer part of the state system to ULSVIS. SAM announced that the investigation revealed that the owner of ULAC had not complied with the provisions of the Ministerial Order, had not delivered ULSVIS, had not cooperated with the NVSC to ensure a smooth transmission of the system, violating legal requirements and did not comply with other functions.

The minister’s adviser stressed that S. Čaplinskas’ incapacity for work ends this Wednesday, but can be extended. He also reported that the head of the ULAC would be fired the day after the incapacity for work.

“The Minister highly values ​​his experience and long-term competencies, but a change of Minister alone is not a sufficient basis to change the decisions already made. We live in a state governed by the rule of law, where everyone who believes that have been treated unfairly, they can defend their interests according to the law, ”said A. Šuksta.

ELTA recalls that former Minister of Health A. Veryga, at the end of his term, decided to remove S. Čaplinskas from the post of director of the Center for Communicable Diseases and AIDS.

According to the then minister, such a decision was made due to several violations of labor discipline and failure to perform duties.

However, S. Čaplinskas, who ran for the Seimas on the list of the Social Democratic Party in the last parliamentary elections, considered such a decision a political agreement. While AA was still a minister, S. Čaplinkskas was not formally fired due to his inability to work. However, A. Veryga later assured that due to the order already signed, S. Čaplinskas’ first business day after incapacity for work will also be ULAC’s last work day.

However, S. Čaplinskas was silent when he was able to end his incapacity for work, which was probably the only obstacle to his official removal from office. S. Čaplinskas also does not overestimate the fact that A. Veryga, having seen him participate in the Seimas Health Affairs Committee session on Wednesday, asked Sodra to find out if there is an abuse of incapacity for work to avoid an imminent dismissal.

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