During the quarantine, a new business format was established: in 4 hours, several hundred sales.


On the social network Facebook, you can discover various boutiques and clothing stores that sell live on their accounts. The new format has become very fast on the Internet and the number of buyers continues to grow.

In different stores, the number of views of a single broadcast lasting 3-4 hours varies from a few thousand to 100,000, and the number of comments from a few hundred to thousands.

During the live broadcasts, the seller puts on and shows different clothes, tells them their sizes, dimensions, shares advice, and in the comments, buyers book a purchase, indicate what size, color of clothes they want. After transmission, the seller communicates with the buyer in a personal message, clarifies the details, receives the payment, and ships the item within a few days.

He discovered a new way to sell

This way of selling online through quarantine was discovered by the women’s clothing store “Mados ikona”, which has two physical stores in Tauragė and Šilutė.

“When we had to close with new collections during the first quarantine, we did nothing, it was very difficult to sell online. When we closed for the second time, we were already beginning to think about what to do. Then the webcasts started, we decided to give it a try. At first we thought that we would not buy because our clothes are more expensive, we hesitated for a while, we tried photo shoots, but we could not buy them.

We finally decided to test the transmissions. And actually there was a lot of interest, for the first time maybe there was less, and it continued to grow, a lot of new people began to choose. He started shopping in bigger cities, a lot of people found out about us for the first time, ”says the Reda store manager.

The interviewee considers that the neighbors have discovered this new way of shopping for convenience. During live broadcasts, the shopper feels as if they are in the store.

“It is convenient for the woman herself: there is no need to measure, she knows her volume, sees how the clothes fit on the body, says measurements and advice. We are a little more interesting sellers, we wanted it to not only be a sale, but to be interesting for buyers to see, communicate, invent games, giveaways.

We ask them what they want to see, what to show now, then we dress as a colleague, if the woman wants me. People like this closing of purchases, it is like a live consultation in the store ”, comments the head of Mados ikona.

Fashion icon store

Fashion icon store

© Asm. album

Initially launching live sales in late November, they were more frequent in store and now, as they say, once a week is enough. Reda admits that preparing for broadcasts and working after them takes a long time, the process sometimes takes from morning to night, so the recent liberalization of movement between municipalities and the opening of physical stores reduces the number of broadcasts, but it does not promise to give them after quarantine.

Worked until night

“After the broadcast, you need to write to the buyers, answer everyone, clarify everything, pack the clothes and ship them. All work takes about a week. During this time, the store can also collect so much money. Now, after the movement is liberated, women come to the store from other cities.

And after work until midnight, there, we checked the packages, and at night we drove to send the packages because the post offices were full. When I calculate all this work, if I had to pay someone else for all the hours, I don’t know if it would be worth it if I didn’t do it myself, ”says Reda.

“If necessary, we will continue to broadcast one or two weeks a week. In the summer, there may not be as much need, because it takes a man to watch the broadcasts himself; some women watch the entire broadcast, which lasts between 3 and 4 hours, “he adds.

The store already has a circle of regulars, some women watch every broadcast and buy something every time. For them, it is like entertainment. Reda says that buyers see the broadcasts even on television as if they were a movie. Some buy one at a time, others buy several. Clothing prices here start at 25 euros and can go as high as 160 euros.

In one broadcast, shoppers buy about a dozen items of clothing. “There were no sales of spaces, but there was a way out of the situation we are in,” says the store manager.

The interviewee admits that this is not an easy job, as it would seem at first glance. There are buyers who return the merchandise, the women reserve clothes during the broadcast and then they stop buying, and sometimes they even collide.

“And by the sizes, and which one first. Normally when you make a sale: if the dress costs 60 euros, then you sell it for 30 euros, then buy a good cheap dress. Then there are the most in the bar. At first we tried to solve and explain, but now we choose which one came first and we give it to them ”, he says.

Live presenter Justina (left), manager Živilė and consultant Diana (right)

Live presenter Justina (left), manager Živilė and consultant Diana (right)

© Asm. album

Several hundred sales per stream

The Velnita Plus store in Šiauliai and Radviliškis was one of the first in Lithuania to start selling clothes during live broadcasts.

“It just came to our attention then. When everything was closed so that the trade did not stop, our manager saw this idea in Poland. As far as I know, this was one of the first live broadcasts that we started doing during the first quarantine. And it has really paid off, the popularity in terms of shopping is really high even now that the stores are already opening. The interest and the circle of new customers continues to grow, “says Diana, sales consultant for Velnita Plus.

During the week, the women’s clothing store hosts two live broadcasts that last around 4 p.m. According to the seller, there are a few hundred sales per broadcast. In the physical store during the day there was never so much.

The clothes are bought by women from all over Lithuania or even from abroad. As they say, the circle of buyers abroad is growing, the packages travel to countries like Germany, Norway, Ireland.

“One thing: all the stores are closed, the second is the accessibility for people in terms of time, you don’t have to queue: I do the production, I like it, the price is correct, the dimensions and I just click on what There is a group of people who are better off watching the series like this and buying from bed than going to the store ”, Diana smiles.

Have a job for a whole week

Velnita Plus has 4-5 employees. They have a full week of work after two broadcasts.

“First of all, the preparations are underway: we measure all the clothes, we describe them, we indicate the prices. Preparations take place during the day before the broadcast. We try to convey as much information as possible so that a person can get an idea of ​​what clothing is: materials, textures, elasticity. In the comments, people write that they want such clothes and with such a number, we reserve.

Distribution works are carried out after transmission. Some come to the store to pick up the item, but they usually ship it. Packing and shipping take 2-3 days, ”says the store representative.

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