During the day, so much support was received that the selection of LT projects for COVID-19 products was stopped


Aware: 2020-10-29 10:47

Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

The Lithuanian Business Support Agency (LVPA) is blocking the selection of ongoing projects under the COVID-19 measure LT products. In record time, the budget for the measure was received in just one day.

The country’s LVPA companies have already received 71 applications, requesting 37.5 million. EUR. Among the applications presented are projects such as disinfectants, medical devices, production of protective equipment.

The budget for this measure is 31 million euros. EUR. The call will close before the last day of the deadline set in the call for proposals, if the funding decisions taken and the new applications submitted have been distributed and the amount of funding requested allows the allocation of the entire budget for the action.

Under the COVID-19 measure, LT products, contracts, events, software, etc. will be financed. the purchase of equipment and the costs incurred in testing new production facilities before the start of mass production. The expenses will be eligible if they are destined to the production of products required for the management of COVID-19.

We got to the project in record time and a record. This active interest of companies only confirms the great need for this financial instrument. It is expected to help companies implement projects as quickly as possible and contribute to solving key coronavirus problems. LVPA will now organize the project evaluation process, says Aurimas elvys, director of LVPA.

According to this measure, the intensity of project funding, that is, the ratio of project funding to the eligible amount of the project, is 80%.

The projects are expected to be implemented within 6 months after funding approval. If the project is implemented within 2 months, its funding intensity will be 95%, says Sigita Skreb, Head of LVPA’s Commercial Productivity Projects Department.

The potential applicants for the measure were very small, small and medium-sized companies. Partners are not available, says the message.

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