During a strict quarantine, the technical inspection stations will not be suspended – what do you need to know?


“The experience gained during the quarantine in the spring and the adjustments in the organization of road work implemented helped our companies avoid major problems. The most important are the increase in the number of daily pre-registrations of fitness to circulate to 2,400 and the slight Increasing the time allowed for a vehicle inspection In other words, every effort has been made to keep instantaneous customer flows as low as possible and avoid waiting in “live” queues when arriving at the TA station.

The pre-registration system operates in 57 of the 69 AT stations in Lithuania, ”emphasized Gintautas Šlėderis, Director of the Lithuanian Association of Technical Inspection Companies“ Transeksta ”.

The controllers of all AT stations follow the recommendations of specialists regarding behavior at work: they strictly wear respirators or protective masks and gloves, they often wash disinfectant liquids. Contacts with car owners / managers are kept to a minimum.

Drivers do not participate in the inspection

Since the first wave of the coronavirus, the inspection of vehicles has been carried out without your participation: arriving motorists are asked not to enter the TA station, but to leave the car ventilated for a few minutes and hand over the keys to the car and necessary documents to the driver only on request. Wait for the inspection results outside the inspection building door or in designated areas. On the territories of some technical assistance stations there are special waiting pavilions, which provide shelter and protection from rain and snow.

The participation of the driver of the vehicle in the inspection is only possible in exceptional cases, if the driver himself instructs the driver to do so for the relevant necessary reasons.

“During the winter months, the flow of vehicles to TA stations is traditionally almost a third lower due to seasonality, which naturally makes it easier for TA companies to manage distances in space and time. December-January are usually dedicated to the repair, updating and calibration of technological equipment, as well as the training and training of drivers. Currently, all these last processes are carried out remotely ”, emphasized the head of the association” Transeksta “.

When restricting travel outside the municipality of residence to all vehicle owners and operators approaching the roadworthiness test, it is recommended to pay attention to the working hours of the nearest TA station and register the check with anticipation by phone or online.

You can register for TA online on the website of the Association of Technical Inspection Companies “Transeksta” www.vta.lt, as well as on the websites of individual TA companies. To pre-register with the TA, enter the vehicle registration number, the registration certificate number and contact details (email or mobile phone number) in the appropriate fields and select the TA station and time. After sending this data, the activation code reaches the customer via SMS or email. Entering this code in the reservation system confirms the selected inspection time. One day before the scheduled inspection, a reminder of the selected inspection location and time is sent to the specified contact.

Unique digital edition

If your vehicle’s TA has expired, a unique digital pass must be provided prior to travel for an inspection. It is requested by connecting to Transeksta’s Internet email. service websites, indicating the vehicle registration number, the registration certificate number, the validity date of the permit, the roadworthiness test center and the station where the vehicle will be delivered.

Then all you have to do is print the form. The permit is valid for one vehicle and only in the Republic of Lithuania. A one-day permit is issued only for a vehicle registered in the Republic of Lithuania. When applying for a permit, the owner or driver of the vehicle must confirm the obligation to go to the inspection company safely with his signature, indicating the name and surname. When using this option, you must ensure that the vehicle does not endanger traffic safety, human health or the environment.

The leaders of the association “Transeksta” urge all those who feel any symptoms of a cold, fever, cough or just feel bad to postpone the inspection of the car or entrust it to people, service workers, whose health is not in doubt.

“It is clear that all companies in the country are facing extraordinary challenges and are doing their best to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. In the case of roadworthiness testing companies, vehicle inspections may be slightly slowed down in cases individuals, so we ask for understanding and patience from anyone who is planning visits to AT stations. Only by taking care of and protecting each other can we avoid new cases of COVID-19 infection “, says Gintautas Šlėderis, director of the Transeksta association .
