Due to two serious reactions to AstraZeneca, SAM is considering not vaccinating in patients under 40 years of age.


It is true that, while still considering the need to introduce a higher age limit for the vaccine from the manufacturer of AstraZeneca, SAM continues to move towards a compromise option to only vaccinate people over the age of 40, given that the majority of people older than 60 years have already been vaccinated. and this vaccine is said to be unpopular with them.

M.Strioga: the ministry is likely to choose a lower threshold

As portal lrytas.lt Marius Strioga, a member of the Board of Experts that advises the government and an oncologist at the National Cancer Institute, said that according to the latest evaluations by the World Health Organization and the European Medicines Agency, the risk-benefit balance of vaccination with AstraZeneca in people under 40 is already unfavorable.

“We have suggested since the age of 60 that the vaccine should be provided, but the ministry will probably choose a lower threshold. For those under 40, with the average scale of a pandemic, which is ours, the risk-benefit ratio already it is unfavorable, ”said M. Tririoga.

The oncologist explained that only if the pandemic situation in a particular country is very bad, then vaccination of younger people with the manufacturer AstraZeneca’s vaccine is also justified. The SAM decided to set the age limit precisely because of the two severe cases of thrombocytopenia recorded in Lithuania.

At the Advisory Council meeting, it was also agreed that people infected with coronavirus would likely only need a vaccine 180 days after diagnosis.

We remind you that on Monday, IWT announced that two serious reactions to the vaccine from the manufacturer AstraZeneca had been recorded in Lithuania. Thrombocytopenia along with sagittal thrombosis (a very large vein in the brain) has been reported in 27- and 30-year-olds. One person recovered and the other is still under treatment at the hospital.

SAM: Some decisions about AstraZeneca will be made in the near future

Advisor to the Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkis Aistė Šuksta lrytas.lt It said it could not rule out or confirm information on the specific proposals, but acknowledged that some decisions must be made in the near future regarding the use of the vaccine by AstraZeneca.

“There are several questions about the AstraZeneca vaccine on the Ministry desk and decisions will be made in the near future. I cannot say what they will be like at this time, but we will definitely not hide and report them immediately, because it affects the entire society ”Assured A. Šuksta.

The European Medicines Agency has stated that the benefits of this vaccine are greater for the elderly, and each country must decide whether the vaccine should be administered to people between 18 and 39 years old according to the epidemiological situation.

The UK has recommended that the vaccine developed by AstraZeneca only be given to people over 40 years of age.
