Due to the spread of COVID-19 in Vilnius and Kaunas counties, mobile crisis management teams will start operating


According to a press release, October 12. Mobile crisis management teams begin work in two counties: Vilnius and Kaunas. In Vilnius County, they will work in Vilnius and the Vilnius district municipalities, as well as Elektrėnai municipality and five other district municipalities: Šalčininkai, Širvintos, Švenčionys, Trakai and Ukmergė. In Kaunas county, teams will work in Kaunas city and Birštonas municipalities, as well as six district municipalities: Kaunas, Kėdainiai, Kaišiadorys, Jonava, Prienai and Raseiniai.

This pilot project is scheduled to be carried out only in Vilnius and Kaunas counties by the end of the year. Subsequently, if the project is successful, it is planned to expand the provision of these services.

Psychological help will be available when individuals, communities or groups feel emotionally shocked by events that represent a real or imagined threat to human health or life, such as acute psychosis, suicide, attempted or threatened suicide by a loved one or co-worker.

Assistance will also be available in cases where people have suffered a concussion after an accident or accident in which people have been injured or killed. The specialists will also be able to provide assistance to relatives and witnesses in cases of violent death.

Whenever possible, assistance will be provided in other crises.

The person will be referred for services by the ambulance, the General Assistance Center, the fire department, the police and other services. Institutions, communities, municipalities, the elderly, educational institutions and public organizations whose members are experiencing a crisis event may request such assistance.

Individual crisis counseling services can also be provided to other applicants experiencing different crises. It is true that such assistance will only be available in cases where the mobile teams are not busy at the time indicated above.

For people going through a crisis, psychologists will provide crisis counseling, which can reduce the risk of suicide or post-traumatic stress, help them survive, better understand and normalize the feelings associated with the crisis, find ways to help themselves , advise where to go further. help.

These mobile teams will help communities and teams survive, better understand the feelings associated with the crisis, and help develop an action plan for immediate crisis management.

Specialists will be available every day from 8 am to 8 pm, including weekends in the mob. tel. 861622252 and by email.

The mobile team will be able to come to work in the premises and institutions of the community. Once a collaborative connection is established, the service can continue to be provided remotely. Each team will be made up of at least two psychologists with experience in crisis intervention.

Specialists from the Crisis Management Center of Public Institutions, winners of the open competition announced by the State Mental Health Center to provide these services, will work in the mobile teams for the management of psychological crises. The total value of the project is 86.5 thousand. euros.
