Due to the implanted device, Eriksen will not be able to play in Italy


Already on Thursday, the Danish Football Federation officially announced that a 29-year-old Inter Milan player had been operated on with a cardioverter defibrillator. This device can significantly adjust the rear channel. Eriksen’s plans.

Under the protocol that came into force in Italy in 2017, 29-year-old Danes will not be able to play in that country, writes Gazzetta dello Sport.

According to the orders of the health system, in Italy it is prohibited to practice contact sports with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. According to experts, due to excessive risk. Because even a small bump on the elbow can break the device.

The only exception is when the defibrillator is temporarily implanted, according to an Italian publication.

Meanwhile, the star of the Danish national team, who has been in Copenhagen Hospital since last Saturday, is well and should leave on Friday.

It is not yet clear what awaits Cap. Eriksen’s future. Formally, his contract with Inter is valid until 2024, but it seems that Dan will have to turn his career around and choose another country if he decides to continue playing.

The fact that other soccer professionals play with the implanted defibrillator. Daley Blind, who currently represents the Dutch team at the European Championships, has such a device.

In the Netherlands or England, professionals can play with such a device in local leagues.

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