Due to the COVID-19 situation, more millions for Kaunas


The pandemic has slowed the flow around the world. To prevent the economy from stalling, the Lithuanian government has allocated millions of euros. Kaunas managed to attract nearly 15.5 million LTL at this stage of money distribution. euros.

Task done

According to the Government’s Coronavir Spill Reduction and Economic Stimulus Plan, $ 5 billion will be invested in the country’s economy. euros. The plan focuses on boosting the economy affected by the effects of the coronavirus, while preserving jobs and business liquidity.

Kaunas is named as one of the leaders who was able to take advantage of the economic stimulus plan and receive additional financing. Representatives of the city assured that Kaunas still has many projects without implementation. When the opportunity arose, they simply had to take them out of the drawers, present them to the jury, fund them and implement them before the end of the year.

“What were ambitious visions of Kaunas until recently is becoming real and visible action in the city today. This is the result that our work helped achieve in a timely and high-quality manner. sees the point of investing in We believe that these prospects have been seen and evaluated through strong support for Kaunas City projects, “said Kaunas City Mayor Visvaldas Matijošaitis.

“One of the most important criteria for evaluating the possibility of allocating the COVID-19 funds was the preparation of the projects. It was precisely because the projects were already prepared or underway that Kaunas was able to obtain this funding. Another important thing is that many cities “Knowing the situation, we have been cooperating intensively with the contractors since May, and we have quickly resolved the difficulties so that the projects can be completed successfully on time,” said Vilius Šiliauskas, director of the municipal administration.

V.Šiliauskas is convinced that the Government, when allocating additional funds to Kaunas, also took into account the fact that the prepared projects will be executed on time. (Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis)

Major projects

Due to the crisis caused by COVID-19, the Government allocated LTL 15.41 million of funds loaned to investment projects of the municipality of the city of Kaunas within the framework of the Economic Stimulation Program. euros. Behind them, the city is improving its infrastructure.

Among the main projects was the development of the infrastructure of the Aleksotas Industrial Park. The Government allocated 1.16 million for these works. euros. This park is planned in an area of ​​30 ha between European Avenue and Pilots Highway. A new network of streets, bicycle lanes and sidewalks with the necessary communications will facilitate the settlement of high value-added settlers.

What were ambitious visions of Kaunas until recently is becoming real and visible action in the city today.

After implementing the whole idea of ​​the park, it is expected that this place will become Kaunas “Silicon Valley”. It should house several laboratories and experimental production companies. It is estimated that in the first ten years of the project, the Aleksotas Industrial and Innovation Park will create some 700 jobs.

Another 8 million. 1 million euros from the Economic Stimulation Plan for the construction of a new ice rink near the Girstutis basin. In this object, both ice rinks have already been concreted, the roof is being finished and the paving is starting. Inside, the floor is concreted, plumbing units are installed, metal buildings are covered with fire-retardant paint, electrical and ventilation networks are laid. Construction of the two ice rinks is scheduled to be completed immediately after the New Year, and hockey fans can already look forward to the first competition next spring.

The rowing base in Lampedžiai is no less a project. The Government allocated an additional 2 million for this project. euros.

Kauno Diena has announced that of the plan to reduce the consequences of COVID-19, 1.45 million. € 1 million was also allocated for the repair of the Maironis gym. As a result, for some time all the lessons take place in the old building of the S. Lozoraitis school. The goal is to leave room for the workers alone so they can get all the work done as quickly as possible.

The Maironis Gymnasium will also be renovated with funds from the Economic Stimulus Plan. (Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė)

The economic promotion plan also affected other educational institutions in Kaunas. That is 0.3 million. 1.5 million euros are planned for the installation of a special school heating system. Euros were allocated for the construction of a new kindergarten on Kuršių street.

Focus on the streets

For the country’s economy to recover, a significant amount has also been earmarked for street maintenance. This ensures that workers have a job and at the same time the city implements important projects. Kaunas is repairing the main streets and bike lanes to reduce the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Perhaps the focus has been on the management of Avenida de la Paz, which is being carried out in several stages. Representatives of the municipality of the city of Kaunas reported that the Government had allocated 7 million LTL from the Economic Promotion Plan for this purpose. euros. After the layout of this street, the asphalt pavement of the driveway will be replaced and the sidewalks will be fixed.

The central streets of Kaunas have also received additional funding, so the work can be done faster. LTL 1.36 million has been allocated for the reconstruction of S.Daukanto Street. 1.65 million euros for the repair of Kęstučio street. This last street is especially important because it connects Vytautas and Karalius Mindaugas avenues. There is a constant flow of traffic on this street. It is planned that after the street renovation, a separate bike path will be installed, sidewalks will be fixed and the road surface will be changed.

The central streets of Kaunas also received government funding. (Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė)

The comment sent to Kauno Diena establishes that from the Economic Promotion Plan almost 349 thousand were allocated for Kanalo Street, 164 thousand for Tyvuliai, 24 thousand for Gurguoliai, 48 thousand for Dūkštas, 227 thousand for Griškabūdis and 196 thousand for Pagirėnai. and Naujadvaris – 423 thousand. euros.

The Raudondvaris Highway also obtained additional funding. For 300 thousand. A bike lane will be set up for the Government.
