Due to the actual circumstances of the “cooling”, Nausėda opened the wall of silence


It was reported in the media, as confirmed by various sources from the SNB, that the head of State actively participated in the process of appointing a head of military intelligence, although the Intelligence Law establishes that the appointment of this officer is the prerogative of the Minister. of State. National defense.

BNS wrote to the presidencies this week if the head of state had nominated a candidate for head of military intelligence, if his candidate had been appointed, and if the views of the head of state and then-minister of National Defense Raimundas Karoblis on the nominations agreed. . .

The Presidency did not respond to these questions and made a more general comment.

The head of the AOTD is appointed by decision of the Minister of National Defense, so only he can comment on why he decided to appoint the current head of the department. The head of the AOTD was selected in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legislation and the interests of national security, ”Antanas Bubnelis, spokesman for the President, told BNS.

“According to the president, E. Paulavičius is performing his duties correctly,” he said.

Former National Defense Minister R. Karoblis did not comment on the situation at BNS.

Darius Jauniškis, head of the State Security Department (SSD), assured that he did not try or pretend to influence the appointment process of the head of military intelligence.

Unassigned candidate is a member of the SSD chief

LNK News reported last week that the circumstances surrounding the appointment of a military intelligence chief may be one of the reasons that former minister R. Karoblis has yet to be appointed ambassador to Brussels or Washington.

R. Karoblis, when asked if it could be the case that his candidate for the leadership of the AOTD was E. Paulavičius, and Saulius Guzevičius, partner of the president, the head of the SSD D. Jauniškis, neither confirmed nor denied it . .

“I have no right to comment, there are sensitive issues here, in the sense that I simply neither confirm nor deny it,” said the former defense minister.

According to news from LNK, S. Guzevičius is a close associate of the SSD director D. Jauniškis.

SSL spokesperson Eglė Samoškaitė informed BNS this week that D. Jauniškis and S. Guzevičius had known each other since “the days of the Supreme Council’s defense against Soviet aggression.”

Among other things, they are “comrades who have served in the Special Operations Forces of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.”

The SSD representative also stated that D. Jauniškis did not want or intend to influence the appointment of the head of military intelligence.

“The director of the SSD did not intend nor did he intend to influence the appointment of the head of the AOTD. As is known, in Lithuania, civil and military intelligence are separated: the director of the SSD is appointed and dismissed by the president with the approval of the Seimas, and the chief of military intelligence is appointed and dismissed by the Minister of National Defense. ”Said E. Samoškaitė.

President: We had no disagreements with Mr. Karobli

When asked at a press conference last week if President Nausda had any disagreements with then-Minister R. Karoblis regarding appointments to important positions, he said he had no objections.

“It just came to our notice then. I will remind you once again that we have been constructively enough with the Minister of National Defense throughout my tenure, and by the way, it was I who did my best to form The Last Name of the Minister of Defense. National would be Quedan, because they probably perfectly remember that Mr. Carobli’s last name should not have remained in the Government, because that place was reserved for the candidate of the “Order and Justice” party, “said G. Nausėda.

He argued that both Karoblis and former Foreign Minister Linkevičius needed “political cooling” from their ministerial duties.

According to diplomatic sources, in recent months it has been discussed that R. Karoblis and L. Linkevičius could become Lithuanian ambassadors in Brussels and Washington.

The presidency told BNS this week: “In Lithuania, the ambassador is appointed by the president on the proposal of the government, so the president is still awaiting proposals for the appointment of ambassadors in important positions, including the post of ambassador to the United States. . State “.

The American business community in Lithuania is also calling for the appointment of an ambassador to Washington as soon as possible.

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