Drop: Another quarantine, and we can put a cross on the Government


“Politically, it would be very painful for the government, in terms of ratings, etc.” It would be his obvious defeat if the strict quarantine returned. It would be a great disadvantage for the government here. If I were in his place, I would do everything possible to prevent this scenario from happening again, “said A. Lašas on the radio news program.

He said that already during the second quarantine earlier this year, people had a completely different attitude towards him than during the first.

“I would say another (quarantine, aut. P.) And we can put a cross on the Government,” said A. Lašas on the news radio program “Events and comments”.

Donatas Puslys, director of the Vilnius Institute for Policy Analysis media program, who also participated in the program, said the changing rhetoric, in terms of coronavirus treatment finances, should reach more people.

“I think it was a necessary change in rhetoric, in politics. Because I see two phases. There was a phase of moral reasoning where they talked about the need to take care of your loved one, see your grandmother or grandfather during the holidays. We have seeing that part of it works, or did not even need it. For the rest, it did not work. And now we have come to that economist reasoning, generally speaking: we have a solution, we are not forcing them (vaccinated, aut. P.) But there are those costs.

And the man is already beginning to count. Moral thinking is perhaps weaker in a smaller section of society. But a citizen’s pocket or workplace (poignant question, aut. P.) Put that calculator back in mind, you’re already deciding. I would say we need gingerbread so that we don’t just talk about punishments, “D. Puslys said on the news radio show” Events and Commentary “on Monday.

The interlocutor of the program mentioned another good example in the program: the Marijampolė “Sūduva” football club will give free vaccinations to people who have just received the vaccine.

“Football is not that popular in Lithuania, but it is a good example,” said D. Puslys. He said he would like to see such examples from the broadest possible civil society.

“Not necessarily directly related to that issue,” said D. Puslys, program interlocutor and director of the media program at the Vilnius Institute for Policy Analysis.

Delphi recalls that the government on Wednesday supported the idea of ​​vaccinating against the coronavirus for more than a month, and that as of September 13 the opportunities for people without passports would be severely restricted.

“Contact services and entertainment could be provided only for people who meet the criteria of the opportunity passport,” Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys presented the proposals during the government meeting on Wednesday.

During the meeting, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposals in principle by means of a protocol decision, and the adoption of the resolution is expected in the near future. Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said the next government meeting “will probably take place on Monday.”
