Drinking daily after working with colleagues is a strange part of Japanese alcoholic culture Life


Japan, although it has a strong economy, one of the highest rates of higher education in the world, and a refined culture, has difficulty curbing a culture of binge drinking.

Do the Japanese drink a lot?

Already the first records available in Chinese scriptures testify that the Japanese loved to drink. The inhabitant of the Japanese islands of the 3rd century AD was described as irritable, angry and almost always drunk. Drink on every possible occasion, from harvest festivities to funerals.

It is true that this does not distinguish the Japanese at all from other nations, because for many ancient cultures alcohol was not only an everyday matter, but was considered terribly useful by most, only beneficial to man.

The country has a huge alcohol industry, and it is said that perhaps the best-known Japanese drink in the world is something like a wine made from rice. In the 20th century, the Japanese began to make Scotch-style malt and grain whiskey, and now, due to the high demand, the prices of this drink are rising like yeast.

Alcoholic beverage companies have long expanded their spheres of activity and influence beyond Japan.
