Dozens of people were infected with the coronavirus during the mass in Frankfurt


Six of those people were hospitalized, health officials told the DPA news agency.

The services were held on May 10, just days after permission to reopen the house of worship in Germany, the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper reported.

Officials from neighboring Main-Kincigo-Kreis district reported Friday that 16 participants in a worship in Frankfurt were infected with the coronavirus.

Germany began easing restrictions in early May to stop the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection, with a clear reduction in new infections in the country.

However, fears persist about a possible second wave in a country that has been less affected than some of its European neighbors.

Earlier on Saturday, the Northern Land Services of Lower Saxony reported that seven people had been infected at a restaurant in the city of Leer.

A total of approximately 50 people have been quarantined as a result of this incident.

The question of whether it is already possible to allow the resumption of worship is particularly sensitive in Germany and elsewhere.

In France, some 2,000 people attended a week-long meeting organized by the Evangelical Church in late February. The event became the focal point from which the coronavirus spread to dozens of locations across the country.

United States President Donald Trump urged state governors at a White House press conference on Friday to allow the reopening of houses of worship, which he called “necessary.”

In Germany, 177,850 cases of COVID-19 were reported on Saturday and the Robert Koch Institute reported 8,216 patient deaths.
