Doveika attracts Lithuanians – it reminded me what Easter really means


According to the priest, Easter symbolizes the event of Christ’s death, suffering and resurrection and does not last two days, as most are used to, but the whole week.

“The entire first week of Easter, from Easter morning to Easter, is called a day of celebration. The phrase “Christ is risen today” is used. Therefore, there is neither the first nor the second day of Easter, there is Holy Week, the eighth of Easter, ”said R. Doveika.

The priest also recalled why the church bells remained silent on Thursday night until Easter night: “On Thursday night, after the supper that Christ dined with the disciples, he goes to pray on the Mount of Olives.

There he is arrested, extradited, spends the night in prison, for which the altar of worship is installed in the churches. In this way, the Catholic Church in the liturgy remembers the history of the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ “.


Good Friday is the only day without mass

Good Friday is the only day of the year in which Holy Mass is not offered. According to the priest, it is the day of the death, suffering and burial of Christ, so it is important not to forget and observe the fast.

R. Doveika said that a normal saturated serving should be consumed per day, and the other two meals should not constitute a saturated serving.

Although Mass is not held, services are held on Friday nights. “At night, services are held in honor of the cross, in which the story of Christ’s suffering is read, the mystery of the cross is reflected upon, they are the rites of the crucifixion, Communion.

While Christ dies on Friday, is crucified and buried, the tomb of Christ is installed in many countries according to local traditions ”, revealed R. Doveika.

Priest Richard Doveika

Possibility of being baptized also for adults

Holy Saturday, according to the priest, is called the Day of Silence. Mass is not offered during the day, no sacraments are offered, but in countries where it is customary to celebrate food, it is done. Adults can also be baptized.

“In the evening, at dusk, Easter is celebrated. The Holy Mass of the Resurrection of Christ is being organized, in which the Paschal candle is consecrated, 7 readings of Scripture are read and adult believers are baptized, ”said R. Doveika.

On Easter night, the silent bells ring again, announcing the resurrection of Christ. “Holy Easter is offered on Easter morning, a procession takes place and the bells ring inside the church.

Easter table

In Christianity, even on the day of the funeral, the blessing of the grave is expressed in the most beautiful wish of the dead: to be presented to the joy of the Lord. Christians preach the message of Passover, rejoice, that is why Passover is all week long.

This gives rise to beautiful folk traditions: chicken eggs, visiting neighbors, church processions. The hustle and bustle of joy, the joy that makes our daily life meaningful, gives meaning to everything we do every day, because everything leads to that highest note of achievement: joy, ”said R. Doveika.

It’s time to remember the fundamental truth

We remind you that last year R. Doveika told the news portal that Easter is a time when each of us thinks about the most important things.

“At Easter, each of us personally reminds ourselves of the truth about ourselves. A truth that cannot be denied. You can push the truth, a truth that can be denied but cannot be denied. The truth of Easter is the truth of immortality. The truth of our lives. The truth of our empty tombs is because Christianity is, after all, the religion of the empty tomb.

It is important to remember these basic things as you celebrate Easter each year. For a believer, this helps him to stand on the ground even more firmly, to lift his face with a look of hope, to find himself and experience the reality of the world today. It also becomes a testimony to many seekers that there is a way to discover God.

For those who doubt, to remove the cloak of doubt and not be hostage to doubt, because sometimes doubt, disbelief is a form of pride and arrogance, when a person justifies those things, because whoever meets God in the life never pushes. another person. For a person who does not believe, there is a great opportunity to pay attention to why a person lives next to you, on whose face you can always read hope, life, immortality.

Priest Richard Doveika

It is a testimony, even for an unbeliever, to pay attention to a person who lives next to you. Maybe what he lives for could be interesting for you too. Exactly what comes from an empty tomb is the Christian apostolate, ”says R. Doveika.

It’s time for a sincere wish

The priest says that even in the current situation, when we can’t be with our loved ones, we don’t have to put up with it. She just needs to survive.

“This year, a person who waits for Easter understands that there are all kinds of experiences in life, it is different. That is what makes our creations different. I truly believe that people who believe are resourceful and will never belittle or reject the progress of the world, both in science and medicine.

I believe that people of faith will take advantage of all the technologies that when they meet at home they will have the opportunity to make calls, make video calls, write wishes to each other. This is now a great opportunity to email someone, write a personal message instead of copying it and sending it to everyone on the list.

This is a time when everything can be personalized. Customize the sentence. I believe that creativity will allow us to experience all the joy of Easter, the joy of the resurrection of Christ, the joy of life, the joy of shame removed and find the answer that we can all move forward in another way “, R. Doveika is convinced.
