Doping controllers destroy the excuses of a stuck rower


I. Adomavičiūtė stated that the hygiene of the beta-2 agonists in her sample could be due to Asian food: a few days before the doping control, the 26-year-old athlete said she had dinner at a Chinese restaurant and then drank green tea with ginger and ate thai.

“So far, it is hard to believe that this has happened, but my conscience is clear, because I did not really buy any supplements that would ban the substance,” said I. Adomavičiūtė.

Doping Controllers are not convinced by such arguments.

‘I. The comments of Adomavičiūtė and his representatives about the influence of food on a positive test are just an unfounded and unproven version of the athlete’s defense.

No prohibited substances were found in the foods the athlete claims to have eaten. The wild ginger mentioned by the athlete, where banned substances can be found, is a completely different plant than the one we use every day, and it is not even used in Lithuania. And most of your favorite ginger or green tea contains no banned substances.

However, we always urge athletes to be careful when using various herbal preparations or supplements from Eastern countries and it is best to avoid them as the athlete is responsible for what enters their body.

Also, a few years ago, the World Anti-Doping Agency even set a limit on hygiene, helping athletes reduce the risk of accidental rule violations, ”the agency said in a social media post.

We remind you that hygiene was found in I. Adomavičiūtė’s sample, which was taken out of the competition last August. Disqualification for the athlete began on September 15. and will end in 2022. September 15

In 2018, she and Milda Valčiukaitė became world doubles rowing champions. In the same year, the duo won a bronze medal at the European Championship.

In addition, I. Adomavičiūtė won gold four times in the youth championships of the planet of various age groups.

Donata Karalienė, who decided to return to the big sport last year, can now become a partner of M. Valčiukaitė, who is recovering from back surgery. Together, these rowers became the third-place winners of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics.

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