Don’t sleep: tonight we’ll see a spectacular meteor shower


Like every year, from October 2 to November 7, phenomena of incredible beauty occur in the sky, known as the Orionid Rain. Reach a peak these nights. You can expect 15 to 20 meteors to be seen in an hour.

Meteorites are called Orionids because of the direction of motion: when viewed with the naked eye, they appear to orbit from the constellation Orion (Hunter).

According to Business Insider, meteorite barrels enter Earth’s atmosphere at an unusual speed of about 238,000 km / h.

Meteor shower

Meteor shower

© Zuma Press / Scanpix

This means that they can leave glowing trails of space debris that glow in the sky for seconds or even minutes. Some Orionids travel so fast that they explode into fireballs and create long-lasting bursts of light.

Orionid meteors are caused by orbiting the Earth at high speed through the orbit of the famous Halley’s Comet. The strip left behind by the comet is covered in debris and dust that come into contact with Earth’s atmosphere and ignite intensely.

Comet halo appears in our night sky only once in 75-76 years, the last time it appeared in 1986, and the next time it will appear in the sky in 2061. Yet each year it eats up the Earth in the form of rain. of distant Orionid meteors.

How to observe the meteor shower »Useful Wiki

After midnight on October 21 and 22, when the Orionids are highest in the sky, find a clear view of the meteors (stars).

Give your eyes about 30 minutes to adjust to the dark, then you can watch the show until dawn. The biggest peak of the dance stars was the early morning of October 22 (Thursday), but it will still be possible to see it for a few days.

The intensity of the orionids is a 12-year cycle. The last peak of the cycle was in 2006. According to the American Meteorological Society, last year’s performance was above average, culminating with 30 bright stars per hour.

After the Orionids, the next meteor shower will be the Northern Taurids, which will peak on November 11-12.

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