does not understand why it is necessary to build a 6 lane street for a unique location


There will be no greenery or peace

According to the project, after the construction of this street, an even more intensive construction of already densely populated residential areas is expected, without leaving green areas and public spaces, although these areas are already highly polluted. Šiaurinės st. The environmental impact assessment of the first phase, according to the population that monitors the events of this project, has not been performed. The construction of Calle Norte will only increase motorization, which will have a negative impact on the health of the population.

Next to Šeškinė oz there is a thermo-karst lake of glacial origin (Šeškiukas), and to its north, the Upper Landscape Reserve of Cedron. Establishing the Šeškin pa Oz Landscape Reserve (51.31 ha) has been planned for a long time, but there are plans so far.

North Street would divide this naturally and geologically unified complex. It would destroy the beauty and uniqueness of protected areas, damage flora and fauna, and pollute surface and groundwater: next to the Superior Cedron Landscape Reserve, there is a well to supply water to the inhabitants of the surrounding districts, and it is that North Street will be built.

The protected thermal karst lake Šeškiukas will be located next to the street and will disappear due to the geological properties of the loose soil; Such arguments were requested by active Vilnius residents who requested to sign a petition to stop the construction plans for Šiaurinės Street.

Vilnius residents believe that the current Šiaurinės street project is morally out of date, prepared during the Soviet era, and no longer meets the needs of the time. The existing green area from the western ring road to Fabijoniškių street. it could become a great boulevard, a green crossroads.

The community is also concerned about the announcement that appeared on the announcement portal, in the vicinity of Šeškinė oz and Cedron reserve along the planned Šiaurinė str. he even offered to buy some plots of land. The largest of them, with an area of ​​3.27 ha, is offered for purchase for more than 3 million. euros. It is feared that after the construction of Šiaurinė str. office buildings or apartment buildings will rise along it.

Doubts about the truth taught in public

One of the members of the Šeškinė oz community, Laurynas Juozas Liutkus, considered that if the plots in this area were returned to the village, why would a plot of more than 3 hectares be sold? According to the Law on Restoration of Citizens’ Property Rights to Preserved Real Estate, it is possible to restore the property right to land in a Vilnius-owned place or by transfer to a maximum area of ​​0.2 ha.

The parcels of land offered for purchase are much larger. Due to these facts, Šeškinės ozo bendruomenė applied to the city of Vilnius for the Council’s Anti-Corruption Commission with a request to initiate an investigation into the commission of possible criminal acts to restore land ownership in Šeškinė oze.

According to the interlocutor, according to publicly available databases, it can be seen that the entire Šeškinė oasis is made up of plots (a total of 36 plots), and according to the city of Vilnius which is currently being prepared. solutions to change the general plan from PC Akropolis to the garden community Šeškin comunidad, it is planned to build a road that will satisfy only the private interests of 30 owners.

Vilnius Official City The municipality’s response to this planned road is that currently residents of the garden community “Šeškinė” have difficulty accessing it from the city center (there is no left turn on G.Vilko St. near SB “Šeškinė”). In the words of LJ Liutkus, who could deny that the planned road to the garden community “Šeškinė” has the prospect of building residential houses nearby.

Ferrets will not harm oats

The city’s chief architect, Mindaugas Pakalnis, commented that the parcel for sale was largely identified in the general plan as a green area intended for intensive use.

The narrow strip of the parcel between the existing Vilnius water well and the future route of the second stage of Šiaurinės Street is indicated in both the current and new general plan of the city as the territory of the engineering infrastructure. If necessary, it could expand the infrastructure of the adjacent well field. There are no other opportunities for the development of the territory.

M. Pakalnis emphasized that the city is not planning any solution that will destroy the reserve. This stage of Šiaurinės street will be implemented when a sustainable solution is found that does not destroy the recreational potential of the territory.

Since the street route crosses recreational areas in the second stage, no construction is planned here, the design proposals for the second stage of the street provide for the possibility of installing a street in a tunnel. “Nobody plans to destroy the Oz reserve, they are not even considering that possibility, the route of the second stage of the street is planned outside the reserve,” explained the chief. architect.

There are about 600 ha of such areas, which were returned to the former owners despite the green areas specified in the city’s master plan, and were returned by the NJT in compliance with the state’s obligation to restore the property. All of them, according to M. Pakalnis, should be purchased from the current owners and adapted for public recreation.
