Doctors urge people with more serious coronavirus to seek treatment immediately


“Sometimes the course of the disease is very fast, difficult to predict. We say that you do not have to stay at home for a long time, maybe you should contact the reception department, at least do the basic tests and assess if the person could continue to be monitored and treated on an outpatient basis by a family doctor, or if you already need a hospital. ” Estela Tamašauskienė, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at LSMU Kaunas Hospital, said on Friday.

She was seconded by Ligita Jančorienė, head of the Infectious Diseases Corps at the Santara Clinics.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Estela Tamašauskienė

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Estela Tamašauskienė

The National Center for Public Health informed BNS that he was the youngest person in the country to die of coronavirus, but had comorbidities last week after a coronavirus died last week.

According to E.Tamašauskienė, this patient was treated at LSMU Kaunas Hospital and his condition before the coronavirus was extremely serious.

“Very often he was in the hospital and before this infection. It just wasn’t the death of a healthy young man, ”the doctor commented.

Among other things, L. Jančorienė emphasized that comorbidities do not always hinder the course of the disease.

“It may be that almost all organisms respond to an infection differently, now it is being studied that genetic factors can determine why a person of the same age and sex has a mild form of the disease and another has a severe form of the illness”. said the doctor.

“And the infectious dose can be important, but those studies have not been completed.” … Chronic diseases do not necessarily lead to a poor exit from the disease, “he added.

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 1,501 people for coronavirus, 117 of them in resuscitation.

Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 42,000 people in the country. 757 people, 31 thousand. 759 – still sick, 10 thousand. 498 – recovered.

A total of 357 people died from coronavirus in Lithuania and 143 were infected from other causes.
