Doctors on A.Veryga’s long vacation: maybe it would have been enough and shorter?


The opposition faction of the National Union of Seimas-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) held a meeting on Tuesday on the availability of medical services..

J.Narkevičius, who is replacing A.Verygas, was also invited to attend.

However, the minister did not appear at the meeting. His agenda is not published today on the website of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jaroslavas Narkevičius

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jaroslavas Narkevičius

This is not the first time that J.Narkevičius has not appeared at meetings of the Seimas opposition factions.

In the past, he did not explain some of the stories related to him, for example, on a business trip to Abu Dhabi, and the like.

This time, J. Narkevičius sent Viačiuslav Zaks, the Chief Advisor to the Head of the State Health Insurance Fund, to the conservative meeting.

J.Narkevičius does not know

Kęstutis Štaras, director of the Center Polyclinic, who attended the Seimas TS-LKD faction meeting, was asked how he evaluated the fact that J. Narkevičius had been appointed to replace A. Verygas, because he could not comment on it. , because I did not know the Minister of Transport.

“Only from what I know about him from the media,” said the doctor.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / K.Star

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / K.Star

However, the news that J. Narkevičius had been appointed to replace A. Verygas was unexpected for K. Štaras.

At the same time, he admitted that he was puzzled that the Minister of Health had taken a five-week leave.

“Of course, in a situation like this, I think I should be more responsible. (…) I think the tensions were and really worked. And everyone has the right to rest. But perhaps it would have been enough for a shorter period of time? “The head of the polyclinic of the Center commented.

I think the tension was and really worked. And everyone has the right to rest. But perhaps it would have been enough for a shorter period?

Doctors joke: they actually laundered 40 million

Jurgita Sejonienė, vice president of the Lithuanian Medical Movement, who also attended the meeting of the TS-LKD faction of the Seimas, mentioned that Today we have a problem with the Registration Center.

“The doctors are joking that they say they have finally removed 40 million. Today it is not clear if the system will work, but the work is not carried out today in practice because the system does not work. Like the Minister of Transport and Communications, the Minister of Transport is responsible for the Records Center (Records Center – red.past.). It will be interesting to know your opinion about the possibilities of this system in general: can it be fixed or do we just need a new system? “, Said.

Doctors joke that they finally laundered $ 40 million.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jurgita Sejonienė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jurgita Sejonienė

According to J.Sejonienė, it is clear that everyone needs to rest.

“But at such a tense moment in five weeks, I don’t know if he is smart and if he is good,” he told reporters at Seimas.

The Vice President of the Lithuanian Medical Movement stated that she did not know why J. Narkevičius had been appointed Vice Minister of A. Verygas.

“But, I say, at this moment it does not seem to us that the solution is logical, because this minister is really responsible for the biggest problem to this day,” J. Sejonien reiterated.

“Such a substitute”

Commenting on the fact that J. Narkevičius was in charge of replacing A. Verygas, the president of the Lithuanian Council of Patient Organizations (LPOAT) Vida Augustinienė said: “Such a substitute.”

Of the articles and speeches, he said he understood that everything was controlled by A.Veryga herself.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Vida Augustinienė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Vida Augustinienė

V. Augustinė considered that A.Veryga took such a long vacation, because he would receive a lot of vacation time for it.

“Apparently, a lot of money has been paid in the past few months, and he will get a lot for the holidays.” So she took such a long vacation, because maybe she won’t need it until the end of the year, “said the LPOAT president.

Have you tried “controlling”?

According to Gabrielius Landsbergis, the elder of the Seimas TS-LKD faction, the government’s decision to entrust such an important position of the Vice Minister to J. Narkevičius, to whom President Gitanas Nausėda has expressed a clear vote of mistrust, was “interesting” .

“Mr. J. Narkevičius boldly answered questions from the media yesterday, saying that he is deep enough in the field to be able to take care of everything here during those five weeks, or three weeks, as long as he works for Mr. A. Verygas. That is why we decided to let him come and answer questions based on his competence, “explained the conservative leader.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Gabrielius Landsbergis

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Gabrielius Landsbergis

When asked if he tried to “control” J.Narkevičius, G.Landsbergis said he did not.

“If someone” carries “something, it is” trolley “unless Saulius Skvernelis. And, perhaps, in the first place, the president. … Well, maybe the opposition,” he said.

If someone “carts” something, it is “carted” unless Saulius Skvernelis. And, perhaps, first of all, the President.

In evaluating A.Veryga’s long vacation, G.Landsbergis explained that he can understand the Minister humanely: he worked a lot, we saw him in the air every day, which also requires a lot of energy.

“Maybe I would have expected it that way: People often go on vacation, especially for so long, saying that everything they could have done, what they had to do, is done.” This is what we see today from medical complaints, complaints from patients who do not receive enough services. As far as I know, even those supplements that have caused a lot of controversy in Seimas are beyond the reach of doctors, etc. It seems the job just isn’t done, “said the conservative.
