Doctors have introduced unconventional methods that help fight cancer


On this day, special campaigns focused on non-medical measures to improve the emotional state of patients with cancer disease.

During the event, yoga, art therapy and dog therapy classes were held for patients.

Hormonal hormones are produced during laughter and dog therapy sessions, and art therapy provides the opportunity to express emotions in socially acceptable ways.

Neringa Eimutienė, a medical psychologist at the Kaunas clinics, said she had seen incredible patient reactions more than once when a four-legged one appeared in the hallway of the apartment.

According to Professor Elona Juozaitytė, Head of the Oncology and Hematology Clinic at the Kaunas Clinics at LSMU Hospital, the incidence of cancer is growing not only in Lithuania, but also throughout Europe. This is largely due to the aging of the population.

However, the plan adopted by the European Union to combat cancer offers an opportunity to correct the disparities that persist in access to patient care in the Community.

The medical chemotherapist oncologist at the Kaunas clinic, Danguolė Trumpaitienė, revealed that Lithuania ranks first in the world in terms of both incidence and mortality from kidney cancer.

“The disease in the early stages is often asymptomatic and is detected accidentally by investigating other diseases,” said D. Trumpaitienė.

Only 30 percent. cases of the disease are identified at an early stage, when the prospects for treatment are best. Still, doctors are becoming more and more knowledgeable about patients who were later diagnosed.

“Obesity, toxic substances, smoking, genetics,” named the doctor as the main causes of kidney cancer.

The diagnosis, kidney cancer, can overwhelm you and lead you to loneliness.

In 2018, a patient survey conducted by the International Kidney Cancer Coalition showed that 96 percent of people with kidney cancer experienced psychosocial problems, such as anxiety and fear, and about half of those surveyed said they did not talk about it. your problems with family and friends.

Treatment for kidney cancer around the world focuses on physical health, but we are learning more and more about the importance of mental health so that a person can endure treatment and recover faster.

“Physical activity and avoidance of stress are the main factors determining the success of treatment,” said Dr. D. Trumpaitienė.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic did not contribute to better well-being in kidney cancer patients, as they experienced even greater isolation than usual during this period. About 700 people get kidney cancer in our country each year.

Uncertainty encourages a person to shut up, which is why it is very important to be in contact with those around you. Their support allows a person to feel heard, understood, that they are part of the community; This is crucial for a successful recovery.

The painter and jeweler Jonas Nariūnas heard a terrifying diagnosis nine years ago and this message forced the man to change his thinking significantly.

“Disaster is the best teacher,” the man assured him.

The painter and jeweler Jonas Nariūnas heard a terrifying diagnosis nine years ago and this message forced the man to change his mind significantly.

“Disaster is the best teacher,” the man assured him.
