Doctors at work face significant fines: they may have to pay four months’ salary


Jurgita Sejonienė, deputy director of the Lithuanian Medical Movement (LMS), is surprised by such a policy: the amounts of the fines are inadequate and illogical. In addition to the medical mask, a doctor or other employee observed in the workplace may have to pay 1.5 thousand. a personal fine of EUR.

The fines are too high.

“Clearly, the use of security measures needs to be controlled. The employees are a little too relaxed, so I don’t want to remind you,” J. Sejonien admitted. “But by that means, the fines are too high.”

According to the interviewee, training can help in this situation. “We should deal with training and its quality on a regular basis, I have said this many times. Yes, COVID-19 has unexpectedly ‘fallen’, but we have flu epidemics every year,” he said, adding that he could not maintain the Knowledge you once acquired for life needed to be updated.

However, there is very little investment in staff training in the country. To renew the license, physicians must attend training for five years: 120 hours for nurses and 180 hours for doctors.

“Some programs should be repeated during that year’s cycle. For example, we must take first aid, resuscitation, infection control courses. This problem lasts a long time, we face infections all the time. We are not investing in training, but we are in a hurry to punish, “said the doctor.

At the beginning of the pandemic, training for doctors was carried out, but according to J. Sejonien they were of poor quality. “There are about a hundred people sitting in the auditorium, it is not efficient. Training should be conducted on an ongoing basis so that you know how to use those tools (not just masks, but also advanced personal protective equipment). Secondly, employees should not be threatened with fines, but repeated and remembered, “explained the doctor.

The doctors were surprised by the amount of the fines of 500 to 1,500 euros.

“For the fine, doctors will have to work for about two months and nurses for three or four,” Valery Morozov was surprised, adding that there was a lack of adequacy of the measures.

Laughing, he gave an example: a fine of only € 30 for consuming alcohol in a public place. “Combat measures are not what they should be,” Morozov said.

He asked for a review of the “sessions” at the Seimas. “The Seimas members wore masks under the chin and did not cover their noses. However, considering the amount of their salary, the fine would be adequate,” the doctor smiled bitterly.

Quality training is lacking.

Inspections have just started. “A priori – There is a certain war between medical institutions and the authorities for the resumption of services. In the public eye, institutions remain guilty of failing to update services. This is probably one of the reasons why the NVSC center carries out these inspections, ”he sought an explanation for such a decision.

Morozov is not surprised: in recent years, medicine has been “despised and violated” in every way. “It just came to our attention then. There is a constant attempt to find the culprits by forcing doctors to pretend to spread the coronavirus, etc.

Institutions, according to the doctor, control the use of medical protective equipment themselves. “In the Santara clinics where I work, the internal commission oversees compliance with infection control regulations in all departments. One resident was even punished with a reprimand. However, there should be not only control, but also training,” reiterated.

Dr. V. Morozov agreed with his colleague: Training should be the first step, and only after that should other prevention methods be chosen. “But this government likes to punish,” he reasoned.

You will have to remember the masks again

Another interesting moment: if a patient walks without a medical mask, a fine is issued to the institution. “There are many conspiracy theories in society, the prevailing attitude against masks prevails. There are even aggressive patients, they cannot be told anything. And the institution remains guilty of the patient being irresponsible,” said the interlocutor, adding that there is a wrong attitude in society. Patients have not only rights but also responsibilities.

The number of new coronavirus infections is increasing worldwide, as well as in Lithuania. Chances are, the lessons of wearing masks will have to be remembered by everyone. The COVID-19 committee, which met on Monday, decided to propose to the government on Wednesday a decision on the mandatory use of masks in closed public places: public transport, shops, possibly coffee shops.

Read more here.

NVSC Comment:

Safety, proper infection control in treatment facilities is a priority. Therefore, personal health institutions should organize their work in such a way that there is no possibility of the infection spreading. This applies to both staff and patients visiting treatment facilities.

The Code of Administrative Offenses stipulates that if the institution provided the employee with all personal protective equipment and the person was forced to use that equipment in the job description, the fine for non-use of natural persons amounts to between 500 euros and 1 ,5 thousand. euros

In the event that the institution does not provide employees with personal protective equipment, the head of the legal entity or the responsible person will be fined a fine of 1.5 thousand. euros up to 6 thousand. euros

During June and July, inspections of 67 personal health care institutions were conducted, of which 32 inspections revealed violations. Most of the rapes were detected in Kaunas and Vilnius.

It should be noted that the NVSC specialists did not detect infractions due to the non-use of masks during this period.

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