Do you want to eat healthier? The dietitian explained what should not be done in any way.


According to the nutritionist Živilė Dumbraitė, nutrition must be balanced and adapted to a specific organism according to its needs, lifestyle and human age. “We are all different, starting with genetics and ending with sleep, work or leisure, so the diet must be individual,” says Ž. Dumbraitė.

By giving up certain nutrients, you risk harming yourself

According to one nutritionist, starting to pay more attention to nutrition often makes the mistake of giving up certain foods or nutrients: “All nutrients are equally important. Water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are all we need on a daily basis. Each of them has its own function, so one should not be abandoned or limited. “

It does not recommend following diets and diets that have not been scientifically investigated and their effects have not been proven.

“Another mistake is cutting calories. Without getting the required amount, you will eventually weaken your body,” says Ž. Dumbraitė.

The nutritionist points out that carbohydrates are often withheld from nutrients for no reason: “They are considered enemies of the body and are therefore excluded from the diet. For example, bread is often abandoned, it is considered a worthless product, although in fact it is a great source of carbohydrates necessary for our body, you just have to be able to choose “.

If you do not bake bread at home, but buy in a supermarket, the dietician advises to familiarize yourself with its composition and therefore choose the right product. “The sugar content per 100 g of product should not exceed 5 g and the salt content should not exceed 2 g. It is also worth choosing whole wheat flour, bread with a lot of fiber”, says Ž. Dumbraitė.

Manufacturers are also noticing the change in eating habits

Changing consumer attitudes toward nutrition are reflected in the sales of many product categories, including bakery products. According to Artūras Kokoškinas, commercial director of Vilniaus Duona, an interesting trend is observed in the bread market: the purchasing habits of the population are changing and they are becoming more western.

“In recent years, we have seen a change in the generations of bread eaters. Rye bread is mostly consumed by people over the age of 45, and younger consumers are likely to follow Western dietary trends: They prefer light sandwich bread for toasting, says A. Kokoskin.

According to him, bread producers must listen to the needs of consumers and ensure that they have access to food so that people get all the ingredients they need: “There is no doubt that the current dietary trend is the healthiest food. Breadmakers can’t keep up here, and even those who want to toast bread that is considered less healthy offer products with less sugar, whole grains, seeds, or grains. ”

“We have been following trends for many years and developing products that would be beneficial for the consumer and would create added value: we offer products from whole wheat flour, we enrich the bread with fiber, seeds, we reduce the sugar and salt content”, says A Kokškinas.

Young, adult and elderly body: which diet to choose?

A nutrition expert says that an adult is provided with the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fiber if the diet is dominated by variety: eat different and colorful foods and follow some simple rules: “You must eat when you are really hungry It is also important to follow your body and not overeat, to feel full. It is also better to eat at the same time every 3-4 hours. “

“There should be no unauthorized food additives in the diet of adults, especially children. It is advisable to limit the amount of sugar in children, as it can impair concentration, general well-being. In old age, the digestive process becomes It becomes more complicated due to the lower enzymatic activity, deteriorating dental health, so it is recommended to eat processed foods, avoid fresh vegetables and fatty dishes at night. In addition, it is very important to consume products with more fiber “, advises Ž. Dumbrait .

Seasonality and lifestyle should be reflected on the plate.

“As the seasons change, so do the needs of our bodies, so it is important to consider seasonality in our diet.

Spring is a great time to bring more fresh greens, sprouts, leafy greens, and radishes back into the diet and enjoy them during the summer. The seasonal products of our region had to be on the plate or grown abroad, whose harvest was the richest at that time ”, says the nutritionist.

According to Ž. Dumbraitė, it is also important to take into account the changing lifestyle: “Food is a source of energy, so if you do not use it while you move, the energy will accumulate in the adipose tissue. You should exercise at least minimally every day, walk, or do 20-30 minutes of exercise. And vice versa, if you start to live more actively, to play sports, you need to get more energy with food. “
