Do you see inequality – a solid 300 euro scholarship for freshmen and three times less for older students?


In 15 minutes The student from the Children’s Pedagogy study program applied to write, indicating that she represents the majority of students who have chosen the field of pedagogy.

According to her, non-first-year pedagogy students feel inequality, since first-year students receive solid scholarships of 300 euros, and the scholarship for final-year students studying the same science is 2.6 times less.

Scanpix Photo / Students

Scanpix Photo / Students

“From the first conferences we have emphasized the importance of equality in the school, care and respect for each student. However, is there equality between first-year students who have chosen to study pedagogy and students from other courses?

Is there a focus on respect, not just in 2020? enrolled, but also for other students who have chosen the field of pedagogy? If I entered higher education not in 2020, is that my problem? ”The student writes in a letter also addressed to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (ŠMSM).

Is there a focus on respect, not just in 2020? link?

I wanted to attract more students

Last year, at the suggestion of the MMSM, with the approval of the Government, it was decided that all participants in the pedagogical study places financed by the State will be incentivized with scholarships worth 300 euros.

The then Minister of Education, Science and Sports Algirdas Monkevičius was very satisfied with such a measure and said that it works.

“It is gratifying to note that this year’s reception continues to register a significant increase in the popularity of pedagogical studies. We will award 300 euros scholarships to those who have opted for pedagogical studies. It is an effective tool to encourage the study of pedagogy,” he said. last year after the first month of entering higher education.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Algirdas Monkevičius

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Algirdas Monkevičius

In fact, the number of people willing to study pedagogy in 2020 compared to 2019 was double.

According to data from the Ministry of Education and Science, up to 2,2 thousand people expressed their desire to become future teachers. participants, of which 1.3 thousand. – on first request.

Total studies 901 first-year students started in the study programs that provide pedagogical qualification last year, while in 2019 there were 429 of them.

It was then claimed that the scholarship aims to encourage talented and motivated participants to choose the teaching profession.

According to data from the Ministry of Education and Science, up to 2,2 thousand people expressed their desire to become future teachers. participants, of which 1.3 thousand. – on first request.

15 minutes The response sent by the MESM states that a full evaluation of whether such measures have really worked will only be possible after four years, since it is currently only visible that the decision to award a specific scholarship has significantly increased the number of new entrants to pedagogical studies. . . nuotr./Mokykla nuotr./Mokykla

It feels worse

15 minutes and the student who wrote the letter to the SMSM raises the question of how poor seniors are and who should motivate them.

He points out that students in other courses receive a much lower scholarship of € 115.85 and are awarded to only half of the students, based on their exam results.

“We are not learning about money, but we feel the inequality. This money would be very useful for professional development, after all, most courses, programs and conferences are paid for.

For freshmen, this money will give them a greater opportunity to become better specialists in certain fields, it will help them improve their grades.

Wouldn’t it be fair to pay the same amount to all students who choose to study pedagogy? This would provide the same development opportunities for all students in the field of pedagogy, ”he asks.

Wouldn’t it be fair to pay the same amount to all students who choose to study pedagogy?

Responding to the opinion expressed by A. Monkevičius last year that the scholarship of 300 euros will be a good financial incentive for young, talented people with a pedagogical profession, the student affirms that the final year students feel the same vocation as the teachers, but they do not receive incentives. nuotr./Klasėje nuotr./Klasėje

“We are not first-year students, but we feel the same vocation to educate, to teach children, unfortunately I don’t know what, but it turns out that we are different from current first-year students, and perhaps we are inferior, so not everyone gets a scholarship? She asks. – Or maybe you need to leave your studies and re-enter pedagogy? How to behave so that there is equality among all the students who have chosen the field of pedagogy? “

We are not freshmen, but we feel the same vocation to educate and teach children.

To assign the same, there are no possibilities.

15 minutes The response sent by the MESM representatives indicates that the decision to grant targeted scholarships of 300 euros per month to those who have entered teacher training programs came into effect on June 10, 2020, so it is not possible to apply it to those who have entered before.

And scholarships for final year students are awarded in accordance with the legislation in force in the year of their entry to higher education.

Current first-year pedagogy scholarships will also receive 300 euros in subsequent years, as specific scholarships are awarded for the entire study period.

Support will only be suspended if the student has academic debts.

Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / Lithuanian Science and Education Renewed Collective Agreement signed at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports

Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / Renewed collective agreement for Lithuanian education and science signed at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports

ŠMSM promises to propose that in 2021 students who have chosen to study pedagogy also receive a specific scholarship.

When asked if there are other ways to encourage students to choose pedagogical studies, the ministry comment says that the best incentive for them is to inspire teachers.

“In addition, we believe that updating the curriculum will make the teacher’s work more creative, which is often relevant when choosing a profession.

It is also important that higher education institutions update pedagogical curricula. It therefore increases the quality and attractiveness of the studios, ”says ŠMSM.
