Do you remember the legendary Gaidelis cookies? Now there is also a collection of clothes – see how they look


There is a clear need for nostalgia

“Attempts to look back have been visible in popular culture for some time, in collections of music, art, and clothing. I’m not talking about movies anymore. One of the most successful examples is the” Stranger Things “series, which plays very well the eighties. aesthetics drove the whole world crazy. Most of Gen X and Y had childhoods with traditional toys, had fun outdoors with friends and things were much simpler and more carefree until technological advances became a routine of urgency and satiety. Generation Z can only “touch” that way of life in movies, computer games or, more recently, in the images of TikTok opinion formers “, says Justas Razmus, Manager of Vilnius Victory Marketing.

According to him, the joint project of “Gaidelis” and “labàdienà” is about nostalgia: “For some it will illuminate childhood memories, for others it will be a new experience and will quench the thirst for modern trends. After all,” Gaidelis ” it was never just a cookie for Lithuanians, “the press release read.

Gallo and Hola Limited Edition Clothing Collection

Gallo and Hola Limited Edition Clothing Collection

© Visvaldas Morkevičius

J. Razmus claims that after stepping out of the brand’s standard frames, together with renowned Lithuanian “labàdienà” designers, he managed to create a modern line of street style clothing. It’s simple, but at the same time it forces you out of your comfort zone: “Gaidelis” becomes a bold statement, a means of self-expression and a symbol of individuality.

The collection was created by professionals

According to Rapolas Vosylius, creative director of “labàdienà”, the experience in creating alternative clothing allowed the buyer to evaluate and anticipate future trends, so the colors and models of the collection were not chosen by chance.

Gallo and Hola Limited Edition Clothing Collection

Gallo and Hola Limited Edition Clothing Collection

© Visvaldas Morkevičius

“The main color of the collection is orange, it corresponds to the Gaidelis brand. Orange combined with other colors currently in fashion. Regarding the clothing models, we chose some that were easy to adapt to the day to day, to a completely wardrobe normal ”, says R. Vosylius.

According to the creative director of “labàdienà”, the collection is made up of simple garments and everyday details, such as socks. The outfit of a slightly more sophisticated model is a denim vest: “In the collection, you can see more sophisticated models’ garments that are completely simple and expressive. In this way, we wanted everyone to find the right garment for them and freely combine it with their style or mix it with other details from the collection ”.

Gallo and Hola Limited Edition Clothing Collection

Gallo and Hola Limited Edition Clothing Collection

© Visvaldas Morkevičius

According to R. Vosylius, this project is unique in that two Lithuanian brands have merged with a common goal, but their activities are completely different. “Combining two seemingly different things and finding a form of synergy between the brands so that each one retains its style, flair and reflects a certain era was a really nice and unexpected challenge. However, after evaluating the end result, we can say that this experiment with a pinch of nostalgia was a success, ”says R. Vosylius.

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