District Is Breaking Coronavirus Records – Calling For Help, Promising To Take Extremely Drastic Action


Four solutions

The commission adopted a resolution on four action plans, which are expected to curb at least part of the rampant spread of the disease.

The Commission heard statements from Jurgita Arbočienė, Head of the Jonava Section of the National Center for Public Health (which also temporarily oversees the Kėdainiai Section) and Ramunė Kabošienė, a municipal doctor. They evaluated the situation in Kėdainiai and the image of our country in the general image of the whole of Lithuania.

If the number of 911 cases is recorded throughout Lithuania, 100 thousand. In Kėdainiai, this number is almost double, reaching 1,683 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

“The increase came when the mobile station was installed. The researchability of our population is significantly higher than in other municipalities. As we check more, we detect more diseases. The chief epidemiologist, the head of the Jonava branch of the NVSC emphasized that this is good: we identify a large number of sick and asymptomatic cases, so that we can better control the situation ”, A. Kacevičius brought at least some optimism.

Educational institutions

The first decision will affect educational institutions. True, not all the same. Schools should switch to teleworking and kindergartens will combine both modes of education. How: each kindergarten will probably decide for itself.

According to the chairman of the commission, Arūnas Kacevičius, there was much debate about the transition from kindergartens to full distance education, but the decision was made not to close them.

“It was decided to apply to NVSC with a request to force regional schools to work remotely from December 1 to December 11.

Pre-schools will combine remote work and contact work. However, small carriers are smaller than adults or older students. Also, it would be difficult to provide childcare if parents are unable to work remotely. Not only that, our educational institutions do not have such large outbreaks of the disease, in many cases they are isolated cases, and we managed to control the situation by closing specific groups, but not the entire educational institution ”, said A. Kacevičius.

Ask the students for help

Another decision involves applying to the Kaunas clinics and the statewide emergency commission, asking to send aid from colleges and universities.

“We would very much like to receive help, because the situation in medical institutions is extremely difficult and tense.

Emergency care is provided to the population, it does not stop, but many doctors are sick, others in self-isolation, they have to close entire departments, and their activities are resumed only after a while, when the doctors recover.

We will accept as many jobs as there are. Whether it’s 10 or 20 people, everyone should be able to help. We will be happy to help everyone who has come to help us ”, said the head of the administration.

He also said that the municipality has drafted a letter to the Health Ministry asking for faster delivery of a promised single lung ventilator that does not arrive.

So far, the hospital is spinning with two machines, which it bought back in spring with the help of the municipality.


The other two decisions refer to the provision of services to the population and compliance with the quarantine conditions of people.

Police officers, SFVS specialists and employees of the municipal Public Order Department are obliged to strengthen controls in supermarkets, public transport, service points, and open places for compliance with the quarantine regime.

All points of sale are strictly obliged to guarantee the safest possible service to the population, complying with all personal hygiene requirements, in order to guarantee the ventilation and disinfection of the premises.
