Distance education fiasco: children skip classes and teachers complain of fatigue


After government quarantine, children in preschool, preschool, and primary education programs attend kindergartens and schools on a regular basis, while students in grades 5-12, as well as vocational school students, attend distance education or three weeks distance education in higher education.

It is up to the municipality or the school to decide which method to choose.

While it may seem that almost half a year after the first quarantine, both children and their parents and teachers should be used to distance education, they still say that it is difficult to get used to, as many problems remain unsolved since the pandemic began. .

You can see the problems already forgotten

Kristina Paulikė, president of the Association of Parents for Education, tells tv3.lt that during the second quarantine, parents and children did not seem to face any new unforeseen problems, but the whole list of problems that have not been solved remains for a long time.

Some of them are: social exclusion, lack of quality educational facilities for children with special needs, uneven school readiness and emotional problems that minors are facing more and more recently.

“Not all families are equipped with the Internet, not all students have quality IT tools. We do not have information on whether all children really have the opportunity to learn at a distance, because there is another situation where families at risk do not allow children to learn at a distance.

It is also not easy for all family members to work remotely in small houses where they have to accommodate several students in one room. It is not always possible for children who grow up in families at risk to have quality food and hot food, which was guaranteed by the school, ”explains K. Paulikė, who is raising seven children.

Kristina Paulikė, director of the Center for Educational Initiatives and president of the Parents for Education Association.  Photo by Sigita Inčiūrienė

In his opinion, greater emphasis should be placed on the wider dissemination of good practices and cooperation between schools to achieve equal opportunities for all and the quality of education provided.

“Distance education is a lifesaver for introverts, but not for extroverts. Easily accessible psychological help and parental support is needed here.

Parents must be able to work, rest, and eat. It is also important to talk with the child, support him emotionally, discuss the learning situation. Let’s not forget that there is a Parents’ Line, a Children’s Line ”, the head of the association“ Parents for Education ”talks about the problems faced by families during quarantine.

According to her, the results already show that distance learning only reduces the quality of education and should remain only as an additional learning tool in the future.

“The quality of distance education is improving, but there are still some unsolved problems. It is not easy for all educational communities to focus on working together when using a large number of different IT platforms, so it is necessary to get involved. agreement on which one to choose.

It is very important to provide both teachers and students with high-quality IT tools and to ensure high-quality electronic communication for both the school and the families, ”says K. Paulikė.

The teachers are already tired

Although schools try to solve as far as possible all problems with distance education, the constant ignorance and the change in the organization of educational processes seem to lead not to good results, but to the apathy of the students and teachers themselves .

According to Dainius Žvirdauskas, president of the Association of School Leaders and director of KTU Engineering Lyceum, students continue to pay less attention and energy to deepen their knowledge. According to an education expert, they tend to stop attending classes, respond and not complete all assignments.

Lessons remotely

Teachers also suffer from a mixed educational process: they already complain of fatigue:

“Many schools use blended learning. The teacher himself, if he used to work remotely, worked from home, the school could provide computers and internet as much as it could. The teacher now leads a contact lesson, after which he has a distance lesson. Some teachers have their own classrooms, some other separate spaces that condense those distance lessons.

Now it is even a little more difficult to combine that contact work with a remote one, prepare tasks, digitize them. In the spring we had a week, we got together, we tried, we thought we were going to get through and at first we worked all night. People cannot work in the same way all the time ”, explains D. Žvirdauskas.

Teachers also have doubts about the objectivity of distance payments. For this reason, some distance education schools organize their payments through contact.

“It just came to our knowledge then devoured cases. If there are sick students in the family, or teachers in families, or the teachers themselves are sick. Primary teachers work with children and can sit without masks in classrooms.

There is voltage to get infected when working in contact mode. You just talk to the people here and you realize that every day can bring a surprise, look at the fireplace in that classroom, it is approved by one teacher, it is for another ”, says the president of the Association of School Leaders on the tension that generates the virus in schools.

There may also be losses in the quality of teaching.

According to D. Žvirdauskas, educational institutions are doing everything possible to guarantee quality education. However, when asked whether the current chaos may have a negative impact on the quality of education, he does not hesitate for long:

“It just came to our attention then. The school may not depend on the school, but in general in Lithuania I don’t think it’s wrong with that distance and I keep making the teachers make the most of the effort to keep the students to a minimum. We work more with consequences and I think the educational community is sufficiently focused on working in the current context.

Let’s say there will be losses, but they may not be as big as we imagine. “

Dainius Žvirdauskas

The director of the KTU Engineering Lyceum believes that in order to ensure total safety and at the same time not to lose the quality of teaching, it is necessary to look back at Lithuanian universities and take an example from them. However, D. Žvirdauskas admits that this is not possible in all cases.

“Probably. The safest and easiest fireplaces are managed in the universities. {…} But, you know, there are adults in the universities, a completely different kind of settlement. There is another motivation, another level of consciousness, teaching methods , material.

We must bear in mind that here there are children of school age, and in this case, if we are talking about elementary school children, if they do not go to school, then the mothers have to pay for the inability to work, it cannot be like that. This means that the school should organize contact work as much as possible. There is no other way.

But I will say it bluntly: nothing will change a simple normal contact work ”, says D. Žvirdauskas.

CMS: Schools Reoriented Very Quickly

Representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (ŠMSM) tv3.lt explain that during this period they communicate very intensively with all the schools in the country, but they do not point out any special complaints from them.

“Until the announcement of the universal quarantine, all schools reported not only the situation in the school on a daily basis due to the established COVID-19 cases, but also provided information on how it is working. At the beginning of the school year, ten remote public consultations were carried out for assistant principals, teachers and specialists in educational support. They are still being drafted.

Schools have been reoriented very quickly and well to a different work regime, intelligently seeking and finding solutions to various daily situations, impossible to predict and define in advance, ”reads the response sent by the ministry.


According to data from the Ministry of Education and Science, the majority of schools have currently chosen to carry out education in a mixed way: rotating contact and distance learning for students in grades 5-12:

“The Ministry sent a circular to the municipalities discussing education during this quarantine period. For example, a recommendation is made to organize the educational process in a mixed way, to teach only at a distance of more than 50 percent. time per cycle of the combination. Let’s say two weeks without a break in a month.

It is claimed that by combining distance and everyday teaching methods, teaching methods can be changed in various ways: distance learning class, class flow, or some kind of curriculum, such as secondary education (3-4 gym classes).

When changing learning methods, it is necessary to maintain proportionality, for example, 5th, 6th grade students study for two weeks at a distance, another for the same amount of time daily. It is not possible to organize education in such a way that some students study only remotely at school, while others study only normally ”.

The second quarantine was introduced in Lithuania on November 7 and is currently scheduled for November 29.

Still, the interim health minister, Aurelijus Veryga, said the government is planned to be quarantined for at least three weeks.
