Disrupted electronic health system: there have been problems in the polyclinics, but there is no chaos


“It just came to our attention then. Our internal system works, we process documents, but we cannot transfer them to e-health. Everything related to it (electronic prescriptions, electronic mailings, declarations) is stuck,” said Daiva Kanopienė, head of the Polyclinic. Vilnius Šeškinė.

According to her, patients are currently informed that the medication will be prescribed the next day or paper prescriptions are issued if necessary to obtain the medication.

“Where there is a chronic disease, where there is no more, the doctor can sign an electronic prescription in the internal system and send it to the electronic health system the next day when it is fixed. It is only necessary to inform the patient so that he does not go to the polyclinic, “said D. Kanopienė.

“Another problem when people come with emails, we don’t see them. The ministry’s instruction is that if this happens, you need to call the doctor who issued the referral, but it also takes time,” he added.

The director of the Šeškinė polyclinic also stressed that, although work has slowed down, all patients who come to the polyclinic will be accepted.

Zina Žemčiugova, acting deputy director of medicine at the Utena Primary Health Care Center, told BNS that if the disorder persists, there will be many more problems.

“The work stops, you will have to work on it someday: write the same recipes in the system, write the shipments. (…) We have our own system, we can start writing the recipe, but we cannot send it until the system is working. That’s only half the work we can do, “he said.

“I would like to believe this is a temporary problem. If this continues for a few days, then the chaos will begin.” Well, if there are drug problems, but if a person has to go to another city to have surgery, then You should come pick up a paper shipment and get all the test results, “added the doctor.

He emphasized that doctors currently await understanding from patients.

“The most important thing is for patients to understand that we are not doing it maliciously, but because it happened,” said Z. Žemčiugova.

On Monday night, as reported by Saulius Urbanavičius, head of the Records Center, due to “structural damage to the building,” the institution’s server server was filled with rain due to a broken pipe. This disrupted the operation of information systems, including electronic healthcare.

According to the Minister of Economy and Innovation, Rimantas Sinkevičius, the work of this system should be restored in about a day.

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