Disaster on the track at the Tokyo Games: sympathy for the Swiss driver


“There was a tragic disaster this morning,” the report says.

It is believed that after one of the cross jumps, the horse’s leg ligament was torn.

“After landing the last fifth jump, the Jet Set tripped and fell sharply because it had a severely torn ligament in its right front leg. Athlete Robin Godel, who was riding a horse, did not suffer during the fall,” explains the Swiss report.

The athlete competed with the horse for a distance of 4.4 km and was in 47th place at the time.

“Due to the very serious injuries during the fall and the torture of the animal, the horse was put to sleep in a veterinary hospital by decision of the doctors. He died, the team said in a statement. “The Swiss Olympic team expresses its condolences to the athlete and the people around him.”

The horse’s owner is said to have allowed the animal to fall asleep because it had no chance of recovering.

According to riding specialists, the accident was not the fault of the rider or any defect on the Seaforest Cross Country Olympic track.

R.Godelis said goodbye to his 14-year-old horse on the social network: “I have to announce my farewell to Jet Set with a broken heart. With just a few jumps to the end, he tore his ligaments … The Jet Set was a amazing horse that showed amazing results until injury. Left this world doing what he loved the most: dancing through obstacles. Thank you all for the messages of support, they are very important to me. I will not really use social media for the next few days . I hope you understand me. “

Despite the tragic situation, the Swiss team decided not to withdraw from the competition and will participate in the final stage of the competition on Monday.

Godel will be replaced by jockey Eveline Bodenmuller, who will seek victory with her horse “Violin de la Brasserie,” the Swiss team said in a statement.
