Dining Room Quarantine Challenges: Tenants Couldn’t Get by Without Help from Food Project Developers


The mood seems to be quite positive and the developers of a new project are waiting for the end of the quarantine, when they will be able to start with another large space and more than twenty food operators under one roof.

Small businesses are often established in food halls; some of their owners are taking their first steps in the restaurant business, trying their luck. So the first quarantine became a trial period for some of them, the survivors enjoyed it until the summer, but the second quarantine fell back on their shoulders.

Of course, it was easier for those who actively worked with food delivery even before the quarantine, and eventually, using social media, they established a strong connection with loyal visitors and gathered a loyal circle of them. However, one of the most important survival factors became the flexibility of the founders of the food halls, and those who wanted to not be without tenants at all, had to show solidarity with the existing tenants: reduce the rent, declare “rental license”. , share subsidies and so on.
