Dietitian Grišinas is dedicated to growing food in Lithuania: you don’t have to go far


It is always better to choose a local and seasonal diet.

According to E. Grišinas, the superfood craze is more of a marketing than a truly undeniable benefit to the body. There is no universal definition of what a superfood is.

“We can also call it charcoal for our stomachs, because they help in bad times. On the other hand, there are definitely a lot of useful nutrients that are often overlooked, although they should be especially remembered for those who do not have too extensive a diet, ”said the interviewer.

According to the doctor, it is always better to choose a local and seasonal diet.

“Therefore, I do not want to emphasize popular products in foreign countries, such as various root extracts, plant leaves, chia seeds, goji berries. We know this, it is popular. But we do not always appreciate what we can find in our gardens and orchards, “said E. Grišinas.

Dietitian Grišinas is dedicated to growing food in Lithuania: you don't have to go far

According to him, the excellent Lithuanian plants are chamomile, dandelion, mint and other well-known herbs. Greenhouse-grown berries or tomatoes, which are rich in lycopene, are also grown in Lithuania.

“We make simple superfoods ourselves if we know what to eat with whom. When superfoods can be harmful, nowadays I also see a trend where people often abuse superfoods and try to put and add them everywhere just for added value. But certain products can have a stimulating effect. Then we can get addicted to stimulants, which is an artificial effect on our alertness, “said the dietitian.

Whatever the healthy product, it should be consumed in moderation.

It is often forgotten that superfoods also have nutritional value. Because it is considered a healthy food, its consumption becomes completely unlimited. This can lead to various health problems or even weight gain.

Edvardas Grišinas

Edvardas Grišinas

© Photo of the organizers

Therefore, the amount of food we consume is very important; even a very healthy surplus of food is detrimental.

And what if a person feels that they are not getting enough different nutrients on a daily basis?

“You don’t have to get all the same nutrients every day. The body has its own reserves, they are not really depleted in a day. As long as we maintain diversity, we will certainly make sure we get all the nutrients. The hardest part is getting vitamins, especially for those who have abandoned one product or another. So there is a really bigger challenge, ”said E. Grišinas.

The doctor mentions raw foods and plant nutritionists who find it extremely difficult to get some protein, vitamins, and minerals. True, the interlocutor admits that even with such a diet it is possible to get all the necessary nutrients, but today people often fail to eat and do not spend enough time on it.

Dietitian Grišinas is dedicated to growing food in Lithuania: you don't have to go far

“We can think of how many people these days wonder why I eat this. Most don’t think, it’s just delicious and all. “If we think more about what foods we eat and what benefits it can bring to the body, we will always be sure that we are going in a positive direction,” said the interlocutor.

The doctor warns that to lead a healthier life it is necessary to eat what is currently on the market: fresh, as little processed as possible. The less the human hand has touched food, the more beneficial it is to man.

“Also distinguish that potato is not the same as mashed potato, that chicken breast is not a Kiev cutlet,” Grišin said.

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