Did Veryga find a place to use rapid tests? It will investigate the employees of the Government Chancellery and various agencies.


Members of the team of Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, Government Chancellor Lukas Savickas and adviser Jonas Kairys, who were interviewed as special witnesses in the acquisition of rapid evidence by the Financial Crimes Investigation Service (FNTT), can undergo the same tests in the near future.

Of course, if you just want to.

The Minister of Health A.Veryga recently signed an order by which he instructed the National Public Health Laboratory (NVSPL) to organize an examination of the employees of the Government Chancellery who wish to take the rapid test for COVID-19.

On Wednesday, A.Veryga, as head of operations, signed another decision, which organizes the investigation of the employees of several institutions under the Ministry of Agriculture.

Employees of the National Paying Agency, the National Land Service, and the State Crop Service may examine this evidence if they wish. Preference is given to those who come to the calls.

Employees of the Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys, Marijampolė, Tauragė, Telšiai, Alytus and Utena branches of the mentioned institutions will be investigated. It is true that the number of tests given to them is not impressive, from 125 to 25.

He commissioned the directors of the municipal administrations to organize the investigation.

A little earlier, A.Veryga made the decision to examine employees of the State Service for the Protection and Adoption of Children’s Rights through rapid tests.

There has also been a lot of criticism for instructing teachers in the country to be assessed in rapid tests. Initially, A.Veryga claimed that teachers could study voluntarily, but this week he began to resent that some municipalities do not take exams and do not intend to study.

Before that, the Minister of Health was criticized for buying a large number of rapid tests, but he hardly used them.

Serological tests show whether a person has been infected with coronavirus by measuring the antibodies formed.

According to the procedure established by A.Veryga, a person whose serological test is positive must be examined by a molecular test, which shows whether the person is currently ill.

The FNTT conducts an investigation into the circumstances of the acquisition of rapid tests.

The LRT Research Division has previously announced that L. Savickas, on the instructions of Prime Minister S. Skvernelis, has given a direct order to begin purchasing rapid tests in March.

BNS recalls that a total of six people were charged in the FNTT investigation, including representatives of the Profarma company, the then Deputy Minister of Health Lina Jaruševičienė, a member of the Vilnius City Council and director of Bona Diagnosis.

According to the study, it amounts to 6 million. The company allegedly falsified the documents and provided the buyer with false information about the manufacturer of the rapid tests for COVID-19.
