Detailed examination with a new CT scan: in five minutes


The Kaunas City Polyclinic (KMP) is already accepting patients for examination with a new generation CT scan. His studies are three times shorter than before, and the subject receives much less exposure than usual. The range of research that can be carried out has also been expanded.

It is also suitable for patients with claustrophobia.

The KMP Dainava division is already conducting research with a new GE Revolution EVO 128-layer computed tomography (CT) scan (USA). It can scan the human body simultaneously with two different energies, which improves the quality of the images obtained and offers new diagnostic possibilities. “The new device significantly reduces patient exposure due to the use of a new iterative (cyclical – ed. past.) Reconstruction algorithm system, patient examination is accelerated, examination images become of higher quality due to modern artifact suppression system. Due to the use of the above algorithms and the reduced examination time, the patient’s exposure dose was reduced by an average of a factor of two. Furthermore, due to the long and wide table and the wide opening of the tomography, overweight and tall patients, claustrophobia patients can be examined on this CT, and the quality of the new CT is not inferior to that of many CT scanners. Computerized software available at many major medical institutions in Lithuania. “- Tomas Budrys, head of the KMP Radiology Center, emphasized the advantages of the new CT.

According to T. Budris, the quality of the research done is not inferior to, and exceeds a large part of, the CT scanners available for many high-level Lithuanian medical institutions.

The equipment works faster

The research time carried out by the new CC was shortened for several reasons. “The most convenient work of the technologist and the newest software have reduced the study planning time, which is currently only a few minutes. The higher speed of the equipment has also reduced the examination time itself, which takes less than a minute. , and the patient Compared to a previously available CT scanner, the average exam time has been reduced three times and, in most cases, simple exams should take no more than 5 minutes, “said the head of the Radiology Center .

Such a test helps determine if the organism is benign or malignant.

Due to the reduced duration of the study, patients are not expected to require inhibitor medications prior to the study. “In computed tomography, patient sedation (medication-induced loss of consciousness – ed. Past) has so far only been required in exceptional cases. In the absolute majority of cases, target patients do not need it. Elderly patients can sleep peacefully for a short time, “said T.Budrys.

The new CT device has significantly expanded the range of research conducted at the polyclinic. “Due to the technical limitations of the old CT device, until now we have only been able to perform head and spinal exams at the KMP. With the new CT we can perform contrast agent exams, we will start them soon.” Pelvic contrast exams, as well as a detailed examination of facial folds and eye sockets, pituitary area, structures of the inner ear, “said the head of the Center for Radiology.

Create spatial reconstructions.

Rūta Zutkytė, the coordinator of this center, said that iodine-based materials are used in research with contrast media. This increases the contrast of the image, helps to clearly distinguish the limits of the organs. “Depending on the area of ​​the organ being examined, by injecting the appropriate amount of contrast material with a special injection pump into a vein and scanning with a CT device, it is possible to evaluate the body’s blood vessels, create spatial reconstructions of them and other fabrics, improve the contrast of the image, “said R. Zutkytė. – For example, in the study of focal liver lesions, the exploration is carried out in three phases: arterial, parenchymal (liver, spleen, kidney ed.) and vein. If necessary, the adrenal glands can be examined by adding the late phase. This allows better evaluation of the blood flow of the derivatives and the change in contrast over time. Such an examination will help determine whether the organism is benign or malignant. “

During the new CT quarantine, 22 exams are performed daily, after which the number should increase to 30. KMP CT scans are performed free of charge for patients covered by Mandatory Health Insurance (PSD) with a referral from a specialist doctor. With only a referral from a specialist doctor, but no PSD insurance, these tests are done for a fixed fee.

Registration for the study – tel. (8 37) 403 900, a specialized referral is required upon arrival.

There are no queues to test with the new CT device – just wait for the test for one business day.

Exam results are available to the patient and referring physician via the e-health electronic system within one to two business days.

GE Revolution EVO computed tomography is being examined at the newly formed KMP Radiology Center. This center will officially open its doors on July 1. “It will also be used for examinations with a modern magnetic resonance tomography, an expert-class ultrasound machine, digital mammograms, and soon with a new digital X-ray machine. Highly qualified radiologists will work here,” planned T. Budrys.

The investigation is ongoing and planned.

The KMP Dainava (Pramonės ave. 31) branch of computed tomography “GE Revolution EVO” is currently investigating the following areas:

• Brain

• facial folds

• All areas of the column.

• Musculoskeletal system

The following areas will be explored with contrast in the near future:

• Chest

• Belly

• Pelvis.

Photo by Eitvydas Kinaitis
