Dentists have mentioned the most common myths about dental care: You can lose sleep after these home procedures


Sugar causes cavities

Eve: Sugar is one of the components that can cause tooth decay. The following factors are most often mentioned: sugar, time (how much sugar was on the surface of the tooth), teeth (its properties, that is, the surface on which there is sugar – groove or lump, smooth surface, cloth – enamel, dentin, cementum, etc …), bacteria (which main species predominate, etc.).

Edit: Not only the amount of sugar consumed, but also the frequency of consumption carries a high risk of cavities. Products with added sugar cause cavities, especially if eaten between main meals. Bacteria in dental plaque break down sugar and other easily fermentable carbohydrates. These bacteria secrete acids and, when the acidity of the plaque drops to pH 5.5, the acids dissolve the minerals in the surface enamel layer of the tooth and, more deeply, in the inner layer of dentin.


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The stronger the cleaning of the teeth, the better the cleaning.

Eve: By brushing your teeth vigorously, we will definitely clean them if the brush reaches all the required surfaces. However, this is dangerous, especially when a hard brush is pressed to the teeth and if it is done for a long time. There is a risk of damaging dental tissue, the formation of so-called abrasions, gingival recessions (retractions), wedge-shaped neck injuries may occur, the teeth may become sensitive.

Edit: Teeth need to be cleaned twice a day, and it is wrong to think that a stronger tooth will achieve a better result. It is necessary to use soft toothbrushes, clean with sweeping circular motions. The toothbrush should not be pressed or cleaned in a horizontal motion. It is necessary to pay attention to the time and quality of cleaning.

Ieva Gendvilienė, oral surgeon at Northway Medical Center in Vilnius

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Ieva Gendvilienė, oral surgeon at Northway Medical Center in Vilnius

Loss of tooth enamel can make your teeth sensitive

Eve: Court. Enamel loss is one of the most important factors that can cause teeth to become sensitive. When enamel is lost, the dentin is exposed, has tubules, ojOR in the center – nerve endings, which are much more sensitive to stimuli when they enter the ducts directly.

Edit: Tooth enamel becomes thin and wears too much from brushing your teeth, using a hard toothbrush, cutting your teeth (bruxism), eating or drinking acidic foods and drinks regularly. In addition, diseases can cause wasting, for example, in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease.


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Chewing gum is just as helpful as brushing your teeth

Eve: Chewing gum will never be as helpful as brushing your teeth. This is a quick way to neutralize the negative effects of a drop in pH after a meal, but only by chewing sugarless gum. Chewing releases more saliva, which essentially neutralizes the pH, but chewing gum doesn’t really clean the surface of your teeth.

Edit: Chewing gum is not recommended as it usually contains sweeteners or sugar and can be harmful to teeth.

Babies and children under the age of 5 do not need to have their teeth checked

Eve: Fake. This myth reveals the only truth that children up to 5 the years have teeth. The first visit to the doctor. It is recommended to the dentist after the first tooth has emerged. Let parents know how to properly care for them, because during this period, children’s dental health is the responsibility of the parents.

Edit: Dental prevention is important from the first tooth, so it is very important to check children’s teeth prophylactically. Oral hygiene is necessary as soon as the first tooth comes in, and the additional frequency of preventive visits depends on the risk of cavities.

Dentists have mentioned the most common myths about dental care: You can lose sleep after these home procedures

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Bleeding gums are normal

Eve: Fake. Gum bleeding is one of the signs of gingivitis when patients need to see an oral hygienist or doctor. dentist. On the other hand, patients who smoke may not notice this symptom. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels, which makes the gums bleed less, but is also unable to adequately protect against infections, which makes them more difficult to cure (especially after oral surgery), so the treatment of gums can be ineffective.

Edit: Bleeding gums indicate that there is an inflammation of the gums, called gingivitis, caused by plaque bacteria. Healthy gums should not bleed. Bleeding is caused by plaque and tartar, hanging edges of fillings, food debris between the teeth, clogged and irregularly eroded teeth.

All toothpastes are the same

Eve: The basic materials of all toothpastes are the same, but the properties of toothpastes can vary greatly depending on the addition of materials such as, for example, fluorides, chlorhexidine, polishing particles (whitening pastes), hydroxyapatite and Similar.

Edit: Toothpaste is not the same. They are divided into hygienic, preventive and curative.

Edita Dvareckaitė, Oral Hygienist at Northway Medical Center in Vilnius

Edita Dvareckaitė, Oral Hygienist at Northway Medical Center in Vilnius

Hygienic is suitable for any daily tooth care, prophylactic protects against tooth decay or gum disease, therapeutic contains antibacterial substances.

The dental needs of women and men are the same.

Eve: The differences are important for gum and bone health due to exposure to progesterone and estrogen, especially during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause. Often bleeding gums are more common in women (especially during the first three periods mentioned), more often gingivitis, and during menopause there is an increased risk of losing more bone that supports the teeth.

Edit: Both men and women need biannual prevention, professional oral hygiene, and screenings. Patients accumulate plaque on their teeth differently depending on individual oral hygiene.

Teeth whitening damages your teeth.

Eve: Teeth whitening can be detrimental when it is bleached too often and for too long, when done incorrectly. If the whitening is done according to the instructions on the advice of a doctor and then remineralizing agents are used, this is a safe procedure.

Edit: Professional whitening does not harm teeth if they are healthy, if the patient does not complain of tooth sensitivity. Therefore, it is very important to carefully assess the condition of each patient’s teeth before performing whitening procedures. If your teeth whitening is done by a professional, the procedure is safe and harmless.

Dental problems remain only in the mouth.

Eve: Fake. A healthy white smile affects social life and its quality. Due to decay, pain, infection, tooth loss causes constant discomfort, which negatively affects the quality of sleep, appearance, communication with other people, self-esteem. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that many diseases of the mouth (especially gums, such as periodontitis) are directly related to other diseases: diabetes, cardiovascular, myocardial infarction, etc. Let’s not forget that oral diseases also include oral cancer.

Edit: Poorly cared for teeth can lead to more serious health problems, such as circulatory disorders, diabetes, endocarditis. Studies show that proper dental care helps control disease.

If it doesn’t hurt go to the dentist there’s no need

Eve: Fake. All patients are advised to make preventive visits to the dentist at least once a year. Pain is not the only sign of illness. There are many others: asymmetry, protrusion, elevation, hole, darkening of the tooth, bleeding, mobility of the tooth, decreased chances of eruption. You can name and name. A small problem often requires a small amount of treatment, and a large one that is already causing pain also requires a longer and often more expensive intervention.

Edit: If it does not hurt, a preventive exam is necessary once a year. You need to visit your dentist or oral hygienist to prevent periodontal disease.

Professional oral hygiene is not necessary for everyone.

Eve: Fake. It is the strongest preventive measure available to help ensure the health of oral tissues, detect disease onset, ensure a beautiful smile, and most importantly, teach the patient how to properly care for teeth at home.

Edit: Professional oral hygiene should be performed every 6 months and, in the case of periodontal diseases, every 3 months.-6 months. Regular and regular dental care is one of the most important factors in preventing periodontal disease. Flossing is important, especially to clean hardened teeth.

Oral hygiene

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Oral hygiene

Teeth change color due to poor oral hygiene

Eve: Inadequate oral hygiene is one of the factors that can cause tooth discoloration. When tooth surfaces are not cleaned and plaque remains on them, more pigment in food, drink, and tobacco builds up on the teeth, changing the color of the teeth. Other factors that change tooth discoloration can include aging (less enamel remains), the use of certain medications (such as tetracyclines), traumatic injuries, etc.

Edit: When it comes to tooth discoloration, it is influenced by a combination of various external and internal factors. The most important thing is to follow proper oral hygiene. Tooth discoloration can be altered by coloring products such as coffee, tea, red wine, tobacco, berries, rinse liquids, and more. And the internal factors are dental lesions, fluorosis, tetracycline.
