Dentists have announced a new work order: They will be able to provide services starting next week.


Said procedure is foreseen in the decisions of the Minister of Health and the Head of Operations of the State of State of Emergency.

Polyclinics, private practices that provide dental services.

All outpatient clinics and all private practices can resume scheduled work starting May 18, but first, in consultation with specialists from the Institute of Infection Control or Hygiene (HI), the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) must prepare and approve a service resumption plan.

Each outpatient clinic must calculate in its plan, according to its infrastructure, the maximum number of patients that can be admitted per day, the number of offices required for consultations and procedures, and provide its employment and disinfection procedures. The plan should also include detailed actions for the facility and staff in the event that a case of coronovirus infection is identified at the facility.

Treatment services are expected to be provided by the minimum number of specialists necessary to provide the service. A doctor who works at various medical institutions works in cycles wherever he has direct contact, avoiding cross contamination. It is also important to clarify what is considered work cycles, i. and. uninterrupted work of the prescribed number of hours per month in an institution. Workers must also wear personal protective equipment, taking into account security levels.

Hospitals that provide dental services.

Hospitals providing dental services may only begin work if the plan has been agreed with the institution’s infection control specialist and, if not available, in consultation with HI, and the coronavirus group hospital plan should be coordinated. by the regional organization COVID-19. The agreed plan must be approved by the head of the institution and then presented to NVSC specialists.

The plan will define the procedures for the provision of services to high and low risk patients, the separation of the flows of patients with fever and without fever, and the management of the flows to minimize the possibility of contact with the patient.

In addition, the plan should establish arrangements for the organization of staff work. It is envisaged that, to ensure adequate compliance with infection control, personnel changes should be designed in such a way that only the same teams of staff provide services to individual patient groups and that contact between staff from different teams is strictly limited .

All unnecessary direct, that is and. contacts, consultations, joint visits and other meetings.

The plan should establish the measures to be taken in the event of the virus spreading in establishments where workers work in various workplaces, that is. and. statement of work, organization of work in cycles, etc. It should also be foreseen how the protection measures will be applied to staff and patients according to security levels.

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