Demonstration to the Seimas tomorrow: outraged by the restrictions they will allow alarms, smoke, promises crowds of people


As soon as the government widely approved the restrictions on people who do not consent to vaccination, the scandalous teacher AG Astrauskaitė Facebook shared a post on his account that “the nation’s resistance to the liberal-fascist regime begins on August 10.”

Protest before the Seimas

According to her, this is a protest during which those gathered near the Seimas will launch alarm signals and simulated smoke.

The event host and guests address the speakers from the podium (with a rain canopy). A Resolution is adopted, which is presented to the President of the Republic of Lithuania by the representatives of the protest. After the promulgation of the Resolution, at the end of the official part, the rostrum is handed over to the nation: people register locally for speeches with the responsible person, express their position on the climate of segregation, insecurity and hatred in Lithuania created by the actions of the rulers. Those who want it and are perfectly prepared also perform Lithuanian patriotic songs and hymns that support the spirit and determination of the Nation ”, teaches the organizer of the protest program.

“Avoidance of incitement to hatred and riots, only peaceful, 1990. March 11 and 1991. January 13 the ways of the Nation have been tested,” he adds.

The news portal could not speak further about the upcoming meeting with AG Astrauskaitė: his phone is switched off.

However, the Vilnius city municipality assured that it will participate in the demonstration on August 10. The permit was issued to 1,000 people and should last from 9 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Aidas Gedvilas

Gedvil: The government ignores the people

Probably the most famous thing in the public space about the rally is talking about urging people to express resentment no longer sitting on the sofa, but going to the Seimas, the politician A. Gedvilas.

According to him, dissatisfaction with power in society arises from the fact that people’s suggestions are ignored in decision-making and no attempt is made to establish a dialogue with the people.

“I myself do not get answers to the questions about how many deaths there are after the first or second vaccination, what are the statistics. It is curious when these statistics are kept by names – the data from Petras and Onučiai are collected, we have them and the essential information – it is hidden how vaccines affect human health ”, assures the member of Seimas.

Last week a politician Facebook shared a post in which he stated that “vaccination is a fiasco.”

“I asked the Lithuanian Department of Statistics the simplest question: how many people died within 4 weeks after the first vaccination and how many, within 4 weeks after the second vaccination?

And you know what? It took them up to 20 days to write “information <...> we can’t ship! “This is just unfortunate … My colleague, the data analyst, says 30 minutes would be enough for that job,” wrote A. Gedvilas.

He also asked his followers to share cases where a man died within four weeks of being vaccinated.

“I guarantee confidentiality,” he added.

“I don’t understand those things and I don’t get explanations when healthy, unvaccinated people are forcibly tested, but there are no vaccinated people that scientists have already told them infect others and infect themselves from the In the same way. Since when is the Constitution in force in Lithuania? According to the decisions that the current rulers are ruining, they are the least mentioned, “he commented to the news portal

Rhyme Urbonaitė

The political scientist Rima Urbonaitė, when evaluating the search for the dead by the COVID-19 vaccine, says that politicians do it without any basis.

In his opinion, this is just an attempt to raise the ratings.

“I would like to ask you rhetorically why you are not looking for the COVID dead, because I can tell for myself exactly who I know or saw the dead. It seems to me that there is a lot of speculation and the like here. A politician is not like a politician. But the fact that some see the opportunity to do public relations does not preclude that, he says.

In evaluating Gedvil’s “search for the COVID-19 vaccine dead,” he first suggests that the politician self-assess his professionalism and competencies.

“We fully understand and see statistics that clearly show that among vaccinated people who are even infected with the virus, we have significantly fewer severe forms of the virus, not to mention significantly fewer deaths. These are obvious statistics. Here, I think that politicians should take into account that there is professionalism, “adds the political scientist.

Almost 25 thousand people were vaccinated in the vaccination centers only yesterday.  residents:

You don’t see professional analysis

When the news portal asked A. Gedvilas if he had vaccinated himself, the Seimas member did not want to reveal it: “I want to add that I am sick and have antibodies,” he says.

He also says that he is not against vaccines, but does not support the alleged arbitrariness of the government:

According to the member of Seimas, people have run out of patience, so they want to express their opinion during the rally and pay attention not to speak of the Government.

“It just came to our knowledge then. All people are intelligent and understand that the disease is potentially dangerous, there are many affected people, they have been seriously ill and there are deaths. It is necessary to know all the reasons to be able to make a reasoned decision,” he says the politician.

R. Urbonaitė says that he does not see any professional analysis: “She goes and criticizes everything, because that position of principle is to support those who do not want to be vaccinated.”

“It just came to our notice then. I’m also thinking about how everything will be guaranteed in public transport. I have my doubts about that too. So maybe we’ll talk about the details. It seems that no one is interested in the details here, you just go with mainstream, you just need to wave the ‘sticks’ because you will be shown, photographed and you will appear as an active politician in this place. But being active in politics is not everything, they must also think about their professionalism and demonstration of competence, “he continues.

Political scientist Bernaras Ivanov agrees with R. Urbonaitė, saying that members of the opposition follow the mood of society and try unsuccessfully to speak as “on behalf of the people.”

“During the last 20 years, the opposition in Lithuania has degenerated. And that great degeneration that we have seen in the last 10 years. The opposition is a fattening pig that sits completely on a political subsidy and does nothing. The opposition it cannot be empty, it must still be occupied by someone.

Now we are seeing a process in which the opposition is being replaced by all kinds of peripheral and unpopular politicians. They collect scores and thus gain more popularity. Here is the problem of our own political system, the opposition. And that is a consequence of what we are seeing now. The situation will only get worse, “he says.

On the protest page on social media, people share seven demands:

  • Reject the draft government resolution that promises prohibitions and restrictions as of September 13;
  • Reject forced vaccination projects, both for children and adults;
  • Eliminate all pressure and discrimination against healthy people on the basis of these vaccines;
  • Suspend mandatory tests;
  • Cancel the passport of opportunities;
  • Reject the Government’s request to reform the Labor Code and the Civil Protection Law;
  • Repeal the Civil Protection Law No. VIII-971 a bill that modifies articles 2, 9, 13, 15, 17, 18, 24, 28 and 31;
  • Resign the Government. Absolutely“.

Julija Samorokovskaja, head of the Vilnius County Communications Branch, assures that as many police teams will be on duty at the rally “as many as necessary”, ensuring and maintaining public order and performing the functions assigned to the police: “She He says.

In Lithuania, 53.3% have received at least one coronavirus vaccine. people: this indicator did not increase during the day. Only in adults, 63.2 percent were vaccinated. population.
