“Demonstrates a clear focus on responsibility and double standards”


“My team and I are working hard to find ways to open the cultural and entertainment sectors safely. We discussed with the Council of Health Experts, found a common format with SAM, and involved representatives from all cultural fields in the search. of common solutions. Specific release proposals were also born, which could be considered by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and experts. Based on examples from other countries, we looked for ways to help the organizers of private events.

In all discussions, I have put my head to the fact that we are responsible and can safely return to our activities. Trust is important, only on the basis of it can we make decisions. Unfortunately, the MAMA awards did not generate greater mutual trust.

Yes, the awards were not an event, the filming on television is in progress. However, I don’t know how to explain the behavior of some of our stars in social media posts. Pop culture and influencers have a significant impact on a sector of society, so the possible consequences of each public move must be considered very carefully. And here it doesn’t matter anymore, try everyone or something.

Full Instagram pictures with party goers that simply demonstrate a clear focus on responsibility and double standards. All circumstances are clarified by the police. The organizers probably underestimated the importance of not only literal compliance, but also public solidarity and mutual support in such an emergency.

However, what happened yesterday in Kaunas should not become a reason and an obstacle to open up more culture. I will highlight the responsible culture sector. After all, yesterday we also celebrated Theater Day and also had an event: the Stage Cross Awards, whose organizers looked at reality very responsibly. Therefore, I want to ask everyone not to follow bad examples and, above all, not to forget mutual trust and responsibility. Only this will allow us to hope that we can open more culture after Easter, ”the minister wrote.

Due to possible violations of the MAMA awards event held in Kaunas Žalgiris Arena, the Kaunas police received around 30 reports, they are clarifying the situation.

In the Žalgiris arena, the event took place without spectators, its organizers announced that all participants had been tested for COVID-19 before the event, but there was outrage in the public space that the quarantine rules were not followed, no masks were used and there were no safe distances. Some called the event a “party during the plague.”
