Delphi tomorrow. Misunderstandings before the start of the Astrava nuclear power plant and how the bath in the Baltic Sea can end


As Belarus prepares to commission the first reactor at the Astrava nuclear power plant, Baltic politicians cannot find an agreement to buy electricity from third countries. We will speak with Edgars Savickas, business journalist, about the situation with the Astrava nuclear power plant and the purchase of electricity.

The Baltic Sea has created favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria that are dangerous to health. How swimming in the sea can harm us, where to swim and where not: a conversation with Aušra Bartuliene, epidemiologist at the ULAC Center.

After the end of the quarantine, Lithuanians are in no rush to return to their offices and continue to actively communicate remotely: the call flow does not return to the “pre-crisis” level and remains at 15%. greater quarantine than before. According to Bitė Lietuva, mobile data usage is still 40 percent higher than before the quarantine. Gintas Butėnas, Chief Technology Officer at Bitė Lietuva, will speak about changes in communication usage habits.
