Delphi morning. What will the result of the US presidential elections mean for Lithuania and the world?


The United States on November 3 chose who will rule the country for the next four years: current Republican President Donald Trump or Democrat Joe Biden. We spoke with Mykolas Katkus, an expert in public relations, about the possible results of the elections, after counting the votes of the decisive states and the influence of the president-elect in the US, the world and Lithuania.

Health professionals feared that during the first wave of the pandemic in the spring, a significant number of people would gain weight due to stress and home foreclosure. Already this week, the government should introduce the national quarantine for the second time, so how to avoid extra kilos this time, we are talking to the nutritionist doctor Barbora Jarašūne, who is calling for an anti-stress diet challenge in November.

Today, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania will present the latest resolution, which will introduce universal quarantine from Saturday; Along with new restrictions, cinema activities will be banned. So the European Film Forum Scanorama, which starts today, will move to a virtual cinema platform. We spoke with Dmitry Gluscevsky, coordinator of the Scanorama program, about the challenges of the forum and the films we will see.
