Debts will be remotely recoverable


A new procedure has been adopted to submit enforcement documents to bailiffs for the recovery of sums of money (including alimony recovery and repossession of mortgaged property) in order to increase remote foreclosure actions and alleviate the debtor’s situation: enforcement will be cheaper and easier.

“Changes in the activities of the bailiffs help ensure a more transparent, safe and economical debt collection process. The people involved in the case can remotely become familiar with the case, know the reasons and sequence of the decisions made, see when and what actions did the bailiff take ”, the report quotes Justice Minister Evelina Dobrovolska.

According to her, in the face of a pandemic, the aspect of security is especially important, which will be achieved through the wider use of electronic means.

Interested persons must submit electronic execution documents to the bailiff in the bailiffs information system Identity verification by electronic or mobile signature will be required. Applicants will need to provide details of the debtor and their place of residence, the amount of the debt and other relevant information, and attach a digital execution order.

Written execution documents (on paper) should be mailed to the Lithuanian Chamber of Bailiffs; The digitized enforcement document will then be uploaded to the sheriff’s information system within five business days and will continue to run electronically.

Debt collection documents will be distributed to the bailiffs by the information system itself. Also, all new debt recovery cases for the same person will be handled by a single bailiff.

Non-monetary enforcement documents, such as interim measures, child communication, transfer of items, will continue to be available directly to the bailiff of your choice.

The ministry emphasizes that the new procedure for the distribution of execution documents will apply only to execution documents submitted after January 1.

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