Data scientist: knowledge is very poor so far; there could be a lot in the fall


“If you don’t want quarantine, and I understand that no one in Lithuania wants quarantine, then go and get vaccinated so it doesn’t exist.” Because there can be many things in autumn. The knowledge so far is very poor. Suppose that in Great Britain, where the vaccination rate is higher than in our country, the virus is still spreading. So what do we do when you come to us? It is necessary to prevent it “, – V. Zemlys-Balevičius spoke on the program” Delfi rytas “.

The data scientist believes that it would be wrong for people to choose to postpone vaccination until the fall.

“The number of cases has not dropped yet, as it happened last summer (…), and we have this disaster: the virus is mutating, we have a delta variant that is even more contagious than the ‘British’ one, which caused us a third wave , and the protection of a single dose is too small. Two doses are absolutely necessary, “said V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

According to the researcher, this means that it is important to increase the number of fully vaccinated people.

“It just came to our knowledge then. If it’s two Pfizer vaccines, that’s it. (…) If you have planned a vacation in August and you want the vacation to be a good one, now you should get vaccinated,” said V. Zemlys-Balevičius .

According to him, to control the risk, it would be good to raise the proportion of those vaccinated in August to 60 percent.

“In this way, we are significantly reducing the probability that the delta variant will spread,” said V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

Encourages thinking about how to increase vaccine availability.

According to the data analyst, it is natural that interest in vaccines has waned.

“It just came to our attention then. The good news is probably being published now. As the number of cases decreases, we are already talking about the abolition of quarantine, (…) the natural question arises:“ and then why If the epidemic ends, vaccines are no longer necessary, ”said V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

However, according to the specialist, all the opportunities to attract people have not yet been taken advantage of.

“As the cases have shown, the number of vaccines in the tents is not being used to the maximum. We have to look for other channels, it is convenient for people to come, queue and get vaccinated without registering. It means that more needs to be done. “, said V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

According to him, vaccination is very important.

“Vaccination is very important. To live quietly in the fall and not have to go back to quarantine, 70 percent. vaccination is a minimal plan. To reduce the risks, it would be good if it was 80 to 90 percent.

I mean, it needs to be done in a way that you don’t get a chance to get vaccinated. You just go to the lake to have barbecues and they say: “maybe you want to get vaccinated?”

See signs of a slowdown in vaccination

The Ministry of Health (SAM) is experiencing a marked slowdown in vaccination rates, the BNS announced over the weekend.

The number of coronavirus vaccines released per week has recently tripled or quadrupled, a SAM spokesperson said.

“The numbers actually went up if we had 10 to 20 doses of vaccine a week in April, from 50 to 60 in May, and now we see that we had 239 doses in the first week of June,” BNS told SAM Electronic Health Systems. and Lukas. Galkus, Chief Specialist of the Department of Information Resources.

According to him, the largest volumes of released vaccines are related to mass vaccination and the wide availability of vaccines.

“The main reason is that people do not come, so the vaccines have to be dumped. The institutions simply no longer have reserve lists to invite someone, there are no those who would wait just to get vaccinated, so it remains to use them”, the ministry representative explained.

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