Data analyst: data Veryga doesn’t share would help control coronavirus


According to V. Zemlis-Balevičius, the data currently available to the public gives an idea only about the general course of the pandemic.

“What we are missing most is epidemiological data on the origin of these cases,” he says in Delphi Day.

“NVSC, I know, collects this data and it is very strange that the Minister does not share the data with the public,” says V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

According to the analyst, the analysis of these data would allow to specify with greater precision what measures should be taken.

“If the spread comes from kindergartens and the infection occurs in supermarkets, if we restrict supermarkets, we will not control the epidemic,” says V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

According to the data scientist, the Health Expert Council convened by the president can only make general recommendations based on analysis of currently available data.

“Ignorance allows taking general measures, closing the whole house, a curfew, but it does not allow specific measures to be taken,” he emphasizes.

According to him, the situation has become so complicated at the moment due to the impossibility of tracking and isolating all the patients.

“What can we learn from other countries? There are 10 cases in China and there is great panic at once, just caution. If you immediately fully testify and catch all those infected, you will stop the epidemic. With us, NVSC has not responded to all cases since August ”, explains the data analyst.

“For example, there is a category fireplace. These fireplaces were finished testing somewhere in September. If we don’t track down the sick and we don’t isolate them, we won’t control the epidemic, ”he says.

According to V. Zemlis-Balevičius, to follow up on cases, not only the investigation should be used, but also the “Korona Stop LT” app, and the work of NVSC should be further automated.

“The guides are in the hands of people who are safe, the epidemic is upon them and the government had many opportunities to deal with it, learn, understand where the problems were and do everything possible to control the second wave.” Why what they didn’t? I don’t know, now is the time to get a new power, “he said on Delfi Day.

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