Danish Agriculture Minister resigned after tissue eradication order Business


Last week, Mogens Jensen admitted that the government’s order to destroy the 15 to 17 million There was no legal basis for fur animals in Denmark.

“I no longer need the support of the parliamentary parties,” he told Danish public television in the DR on Wednesday. “I must submit my request for resignation.”

“It is very clear that mistakes have been made in my ministry and I take responsibility,” said the minister.

On November 4, Denmark ordered the destruction of all tissues grown on tissue farms for fear that the mutated virus could be transmitted to humans and jeopardize the efficacy of any future COVID-19 vaccines.

Some farmers whose tissues were not infected protested the drastic measure, explaining that, under Danish law, the government could only ask for the destruction of animals on affected farms. The government later admitted its mistake.

To remedy the situation, the government has drafted a law that prohibits the reproduction of tissues until 2022. However, its apologies did not help regain trust even among the left allies of the Social Democratic minority government.

Opposition leader Jakob Ellemann-Jensen of the Liberal Party said “this is just the beginning.”

“The whole matter must be thoroughly investigated and the responsibility of the prime minister must be decided,” he told the Ritzau news agency.
