Dangerous messages from the Kremlin point to the most painful place: they could cause real chaos


Here is the professor from the Vilnius University (VU) Faculty of Communication, dr. Viktor Denisenko said on the show that a tired and troubled society is a great goal; then it is difficult to separate the truth from the lies.

“If we talk about the senses, there is something slippery here. And when we talk about critical thinking, that critical thinking is separated from the emotions. When we talk about information, propaganda, why these phenomena exploit emotions or seek to evoke strong emotions, simply because emotions dominate and can darken the mind. And then a person is guided only by emotions and does not feel where the truth is and where it is not, “Denisenko said in the program” Sifting the Lie. “

“It must be said that when we speak of critical thinking, the first thing must be a cold mind, the ability to analyze information, to distinguish lies from the truth, or facts from fictitious or manipulated things,” said the VU speaker.

He agreed that a tired and angry society was a great “breeding ground” for Kremlin propaganda.

“Practice and observations show that the Kremlin’s propaganda, not just yours, but the propaganda basically exploits certain real pains, fragmentation, certain problematic aspects. (…) Of course, trying to manipulate it, to hit a sore spot to cause more pain, ”said the program.

Professor Valdas Rakutis, a member of the Seimas and military historian, emphasized that the ability to select propaganda information depends not only on critical thinking, but also on available knowledge of history.

“It all depends not only on people’s critical thinking, but also on knowledge. If a person has a simple but clear enough outline to understand the story, it is already very difficult for him to inject something because he knows the basics. But in Lithuania we do not have good knowledge, only fragments. But there is a great lack of understanding of the past, “said V. Rakutis on the radio news program.

He said that “we only have pieces of historical knowledge” and “they are not spoken.” And it is to these empty places that propaganda is applied.

“It can provide, if not qualitatively, quantitatively correct arguments. And then man begins to doubt those truths that should be perfectly clear to him. And then he becomes a victim of that propaganda,” said the military historian.

Seimas member V. Rakutis assured that the word “propaganda” in itself is not bad.

“It just came to our knowledge then. It is the presentation and publicity of certain ideas. (…) The problem is when the propaganda aims to create some of its own objectives in people. And especially when it is encouraged to behave fundamentally badly, when good is confused with evil, when intentional lies, invented beforehand, are used, ”explained V. Rakutis on the radio news program.

“Promotion of the state, narration of its values, formation of certain civic attitudes. Now we are condemning propaganda, but we continue to do so, there is no other way, ”said V. Rakutis.

V. Denisenko, a professor at the VU Faculty of Communication, also shared a theory acceptable to him about the difference between current propaganda and that of the Soviet Kremlin.

“There is such a theory that the essential propaganda of the Kremlin compared to the Soviet one, then, was a very clear ideology and idea. And the Soviet Union tried so rudely to prove that the Soviet way of life was the only right. And now the Kremlin does not have such a strong ideology and there is not such a strong conflict between modern Russia and the Western world. Therefore, the Kremlin propaganda tries not to convince Moscow that it is right, but it tries to cause some news chaos, “V. Denisenko said on the radio news program” We are sifting through lies. “
